Refund was processed
Order was cancelled
Offer to place new order with special discount!
Ways to contact UPS
Refund/lost item
RMA no return stock
Still in process
Promo code not working
Offer to place the order on your end or provide new code.
Lost UPS Sure Post
Check item availability, offer replacement or refund.
Email call store inquiries
Accepted by a store or warehouse
Can't access to her online account
Try to fix her account though secondary or website & ask if she is looking for something special to order or if there is a specific style on mind, help her finding the ítem.
Lost UPS Ground-UPS Claim was alreaddy submitted by customer
Keep chat pending and try to chat with UPS to get more updates.
Replacement/on hand
Email ecomm replacement
RMA was cancelled
Wants to see if the item is available at the store
Offer to place the order online instead of driving to the store, with free shipping as a one time cortesy!
Package knowledged by customer
UPS found proves and called the customer to confirm that the item was received or found.
Passed PD/00-01
Email Rush order
Processed by
It was just processed though Secondary and label has been sent.
If customer is not sure about her size...
Help her checking the size chart and advise that she has 7 days to send it back if it doesn't fit. Offer to order two options and keep the one that fits better.
Steps to chat with UPS
1. Open the chat option (ask UPS)
2. Write_: Live chat in the first question and second one.
3. Click in the option LIVE CHAT
4. Provide your first andd last name
5. Write customer´s email address and phone number
6. Click here to chat with someone now.