Classifying Matter

What are the physical states of matter?

Solid, liquid, gas


If the circuit is open electricity is _____, if the circuit is closed electricity ______

broken, flows


Which of the following tools could be used to quickly separate a mixture of iron paperclips and sand?

A. Magnet
B. Hot Plate
C. Microscope
D. Hand lens

A. Magnet


Reflection ______
Refraction _______




A group of students wanted to compare the distances a toy car travels after leaving ramps of different heights. What tool would provide the most useful information for their comparison?

A. Stopwatch
B. Pan Balance
C. Hand lens
D. Meterstick 

D. Meterstick


This table lists magnetic and nonmagnetic objects. Which object should be placed where the question mark is, to complete this chart?

A. Iron washer
B. Plastic Bottle
C. Wool mitten

A. Iron Washer


A battery, bulb, wires and a switch have been assembled as shown in the illustration. The bulb does not light. What change would make the bulb light?

Close the switch


A science class performed an investigation by evaporating a solution containing 10g of salt and 50ml of water. How much salt would you expect to find in the cup at the end of the investigation?


C. 10g


The illustration shows a light ray striking an object. In the illustration, the light striking the object is



A group of students collected the following data by pulling a toy car back different distances and then releasing it. According to the data, the distance the toy car traveled increased as the

Starting pull-back point increased


Two objects are placed in water. One sinks and the other floats. Which of the following is the most reasonable conclusion that can be drawn from this data?
A. One object is magnetic and the other is not.
B. One object is a solid and the other is a liquid.
C. One object has a greater density than the other.
D. One object is much larger than the other.

C. One object has a greater density than the other.


Students have attached the parts of a circuit as shown in the illustration. Which of the following is needed to complete the circuit?



Which physical property of salt would stay the same in a mixture of salt and water?

A. Color
B. Shape
C. Size
D. Taste

D. Taste


The picture shows what a student observed when he looked through a hand lens at a penny. What happens to light passing through a hand lens that makes the image of the penny appear larger? The light is



Students conducted an investigation in which they measured the distance a toy car traveled after rolling down a ramp covered with sandpaper or wax paper. Which of these questions can the students answer by analyzing the results of their investigation?

A. How does changing the height of a ramp affect the distance a toy car rolls?
B.How does changing the surface of a ramp affect the distance a toy car rolls?
C. How does mass affect the distance a toy car moves after rolling down a ramp?
D. How does the design of a toy car affect its movement after rolling down a ramp?

B. How does changing the surface of a ramp affect the distance a toy car rolls


A student created a table listing the properties of a sample of matter. Based on the table below, the student collected data on a sample of which of the following types of matter?

A. Salt
B. Vinegar
C. Iron Fillings
D. Sand

A. Salt


The flow of electricity around a circuit is?
A. Electricity
B. Circuit
C. Current
D. Switch

C. Current


 What tool would best help you sort iron bolts from aluminum bolts?

A. Magnet
B. Funnel
C. Hand Lens
D. Tweezers

A. Magnet


A student placed a pencil in a glass of water. The pencil appears broken because light

A. always travels in a straight line.
B. bends when it passes through water.
C. makes the water in the glass evaporate.
D. reflects the pencil on the water’s surface.

B. bends when it passes through water


Students create balloon rockets by taping drinking straws to balloons and running a thick string through the straw. The ends of the string are held tightly apart. When the balloon is inflated and released, it moves along the string. What should the students do to change the amount of friction that slows the motion of the balloon rocket?

A. Try different color balloons.
B. Use a different type of tape.
C. Replace the string with thin wire.
D. Hold the string ends closer together.

C. Replace the string with thin wire


Boiling water was placed in containers made of four different materials. Based on the data, which material was the best insulator of heat?

Material 2


A battery is attached to a buzzer with wire as shown. The buzzer will make noise only when -

When another wire connects the buzzer to the battery


When white marbles are mixed with black marbles the mixture will –

A. be all the same color
B. contain black and white marbles
C. change its state of matter
D. have less volume

B. contain black and white marbles


The diagram shows a periscope used to see objects that are behind or under a barrier. What makes it possible to see an object when looking through a periscope? The periscope

A. contains mirrors that reflect the object
B. magnifies small objects so they can be seen
C. absorbs the light rays passing through it
D. separates the light into different colors

A. contains mirrors that reflect the object


Students wanted to see if the distance a marble rolled down a ramp changed the force it had. They allowed a marble to roll down the ramp from different starting points and strike a second marble. To determine if the force of the rolling marble changed, what should the students measure?

A. The mass of Marble #2 before and after being struck by Marble #1
B. The distance Marble #2 moves after being struck by Marble #1
C. The time it takes Marble #2 to move after being struck by Marble #1
D. The direction Marble #2 moves after being struck by Marble #1

B. The distance Marble #2 moves after being struck by Marble #1.