A skill check for Bright 2
What is Rhythmic breathing, 15 feet w/ Teaching tools, 15 feet w/o teaching tools, beginner safety swim, splash zone
Bright teaching tools
What is a kick stick, backpack, toys
Bold teaching tools
What is kick sticks, barbells , noodle belts and dive toys
What is 10 minutes of Lesson buddy, cleaning rounds and check in
Core Values
A skill check for Bold 1
What is Rhythmic breathing, 30 feet w/ teaching tools, 30 feet w/o teaching tools, 60 feet, splash zone
Safety swim holds
What is safety scoop, shoulder hold, tricep hold
EDMC 313 Rhythmic breathing
What is blow bubbles for 3 seconds come up for a sneaky breath and go back down for bubbles for 3 seconds
Proprietary Software
What is Lesson Buddy
Correction tree
What is kick head arms breath
Splash zone for a Bright 3
What is 60 feet of Big arm freestyle
Ready position
What is hands up chin tucked hands in eyes in
Side breath, pull, head down, arm around, pull down and around
5 minutes before class at entrance door
What is Check in
Breath control, bounce and buoyancy and propulsion
What is three pillars
Splash Zone for a Bold 2
What is 180 feet of catch up freestyle
Stationary kick progression
What is pointed toes, hand on foot, hand on heel, one foot kick on each side, switch foot
Backstroke progression
What is fine and flutter, windmill arms, backstroke swim
Soap in dispensers
Dial, hypoallergenic, all purpose soap
Explain, demonstrate, mimic, correct
What is EDMC
Primary Focus of Bright 3/Bold 2
Focus between bright 2 and bright 3
Splash zones for Bold 1 and Bold 2
What is 120 feet of SLK and 180 feet of Catch up freestyle
Keeps our water crystal clear blue and prevents swimmers ear
UV filtration
Mission Statement
We Show kids they can do anything by unlocking their full potential in the water!