The Greeks sail to the island of ___ after they drop off their gift at Troy.
What is the island of Tenedos?
the father of Aeneas
Who is Anchises?
Identify the main verb in this clause: Sic fatus, validis ingentem viribus hastam in latus inque feri curvam compagibus alvum contorsit
What kind of literary device is present in this sentence: "bis collo squamae circum terga dati"
____ was a punishment towards Laocoön for damaging the Trojan horse, helped legitimize the fact of the horse being a gift from Minerva, and further symbolizing the fate of Troy.
What are the two serpents?
____ sent the two serpents after Laocoön and his two sons.
Who is Apollo?
Aeneas's wife
Who is Creusa?
What deity is referred to in this clause: "At gemini lapsu delubra ad summa dracones effugiunt saevaeque petunt Tritonidis arcem"
What literary device is found in this clause: "Tum vero tremefacta novus per pectora cunctis insinuate pavor"
The flame placed on Ascanius's head was a sign from the gods and symbolized _____.
What is the lineage/future generation of Troy?
Aeneas doesn't kill Helen because of ____.
What is Venus's intervention?
the Greek boy who convinced the Trojans that the horse was an offering to Minerva and was no threat at all
Who is Sinon?
Translate literally "quantum mutatus ab illo Hectore qui redit exuvias inductus Achilli vel Danaum Phrygios iaculatus puppibus ignes!"
How changed he was from that Hector who returned wearing Achilles’s armor, or who set Trojan flames to the Greek ships!
What literary device is present in this clause: "scandit fatalis machina muros, feta armis"
Aeneas tells Anchises to bring the household gods with him while they are fleeing the burning Troy. These household gods symbolize ___ with how they must be kept safe until they find a new home.
What is the Trojan race?
What does Aeneas think about Helen?
When Aeneas sees Helen hiding, he is furious and wants to kill her. He believes that Helen is the cause of this war and caused all the destruction and chaos that is happening in Troy right now.
the Trojan priest who was skeptical of the Trojan horse and threw his spear into it
Who is Laocoön?
Translate literally "Nate, quis indomitas tantus dolor excitat iras?"
Son, what pain stirs such uncontrollable anger?
What literary device is found in this phrase "sibila lambebant linguis vibrantibus ora"
What is the importance of Creusa's death and her message to Aeneas?
When the ghost of Creusa dies she tells Aeneas that she has died with her fellow Trojans and escaped a life of being a Greek slave. She reminds him of his duty to find a new Troy and continue the Trojan race.
Aeneas, Anchises, and Ascanius after fleeing the burning Troy took refuge at ____.
What is the grove of Ceres?
the murderer of Polites and Priam, and the son of Achilles
Who is Pyrrhus?
Translate literally "Illa sibi infestos eversa ob Pergama Teucros et Danaum poenam et deserti coniugis iras praemetuens, Troiae et patriae communis Erinys, abdiderat sese atque aris invisa sedebat."
She, fearing the Trojans angered at the fall of Troy, the punishment of the Greeks, and the fury of a husband deserted, the common curse of Troy and her own country, had concealed herself and crouched, a hated thing, by the altars.
What kind of literary device is present in this clause: Ecce autem gemini a Tenedo tranquilla per alta – horresco referens! – immenis orbibus angues
Name four reasons of why Troy was destined/fated to fall:
- Sinon yelling at the gods
- Venus showing Aeneas the gods destroying the walls of Troy
- punishment of Laocoon and his two sons
- Aeneas was destined to leave Troy and found Rome