Mindfulness "What" Skills
What is "observe, describe, participate"
2 Halt skills
The D in Dear Mind stands for?
What is: Describe
True or False : Your are considered in crisis when your SUDS score is 70 or higher.
How many consecutive days can you miss before being dismissed from the program?
3 days
Mindfulness "How" Skills
What is "non-judgmentally, one-mindfully, and effectively"
2 stop skills
What is " Stop, talk a step back, observe, proceed mindfully"
The V in Give Stands for?
What is :Validate
What are signs of crisis?
What is: intrusive thoughts or actions of self harm/suicide.
Isolation form school, work, family and friends.
Increased agitation, risk taking.
Loss of touch with reality, paranoia.
What does SUDS stand for?
What is "Subjective Units of distress"
Synthesis of reasonable mind and emotional mind
What is "Wise Mind"
What is "TIPP skill"
The S in Fast Stands for?
What is Stick to Values
What should you do in a crisis?
What is: use TIPP to bring your level of distress down.
After TIPP use other distress tolerance skills
Reach out to someone supportive and let them know you are not doing well. Follow your plan on the Crisis Plan worksheet.
How many weeks is the IOP program?
What is 4 weeks
Replacing "either or thinking with collaborative both and thinking
What is "walking the middle path"
Accepts Skill is Activities, contributions, comparisons, emotions, pushing away, thoughts, sensations. What is a example of Activities?
"What is play a game, clean a room, go for a walk"
What are ways to practice Self love and self compassion?
What is: think about what you feel grateful for?
Give yourself a hug or hold your own hand?
Forgive yourself for your past and future mistakes
What is radical acceptance?
What is: when you accept things the way they are without resistance.
How many weeks is the PHP program?
readiness to enter and participate fulling in life and living vs refusal to participate and intentional disobedience.
What is "willingness vs willfulness"
What is an ACCEPT Skills that you use for
Either Activities, contributions, Comparisons, emotions, pushing away, thoughts, or sensations?
What is: Watching TV
If you are feeling abandoned what are some emotions and needs you most likely are feeling or needing?
What is feeling: terrified, hurt, lonely, sad, frightened. Needing: support, caring, connection, belonging, nurturing.
What is half-smiling and willing hands?
What is way to use our bodies to communicate to our brains that we are ok. It helps regulate our systems, accept situations and feel better in the moment.
How many sessions is PHP and IOP
What is PHP 15 sessions
IOP 12 sessions.