DBT general
Distress Tolerance
Emotion Regulation
Interpersonal Effectiveness

Is this true or false- all behaviors (actions, thoughts, emotions) are caused

What is true


What is practicing mindfulness while sitting, standing or lying quietly for a predetermined period of time

What is meditation

Which gesture requires having hands unclenched, turning your hands outwards with palms up and fingers relaxed

What is willing hands


For emotion regulation, it is important to look at, through our Wise Mind, our sense of "relative worth, utility, or importance" of things we do in life. Hence, we must look at what aspect of ourselves? 

What is values


"If I ask for something and they say no, I can't stand it someone gets upset with me" is a type of what? 

What is a myth


What does DBT stand for? 

What is Dialectical Behavioral Therapy


Nonjudgmentally and Mindfully are two of the "HOW" skills. What is the third? 

What is effectively


Which distress tolerance skill requires you to take a step back

What is Stop skill


Two opposite actions for love urges when love is unjustified are avoiding the person, animal or object you love, and reminding yourself why love is not justified. What is the third? 

What is distract yourself from thoughts of the person, animal or object. 

To maintain friendships it is important to observe, describe and participate in the relationships. This is also called what? 

What is being mindful


Marcia Linehan does research at what university? 

What is University of Washington? 


When practicing "One-Mindfully" skill, when you are worrying you should do what? 

What is worry


Trying to fix every situations is an example of what response? 

What is wilfulness


B and C of the ABC skills stands for build mastery and coping ahead. What does A stand for? 

What is accumulate positive emotions


Complete this sentence "It is better to be loved than..."

What is "be right"


Tolerating the problem would require what two types of skills

What is distress tolerance and mindfulness skills


Kramer from Seinfeld, would be considered to exhibit what state of mind? 

What is Emotion Mind


If you are facing a fork on the road between rejection and acceptance and you choose acceptance, what are you doing? 

What is "turning the mind" 


When looking at emotions, you are looking at the prompting event, interpretations of the event, expression and actions of the emotion, and aftereffect of the emotion. What is another component not listed that is also very important to look at, to note the effect of the emotion? 

What are biological changes


"Broken record" is important part of what skill in the DEAR MAN? 

What is stay Mindful


What diagnosis was the initial focus of DBT? 

What is Borderline Personality Disorder


What are the three goals of mindfulness practice? 

What is

1. Reduce suffering and increase happiness

2. Increase control of Mind

3. Experience Reality as it is


Doing something thoughtful for another person is what part of the Distracting Skills

What is contributing


PLEASE is an acronym for taking care of your mind by taking care of the body. What does each letter stand for? 

What is treat Physical Illness, balance Eating,avoid mood Altering substances, balance Sleep and get Exercise

To make a new friend, you have four steps. Before you could find commonality, engage in conversation skills and express liking, what must you do? 

What is be in proximity