The ABC acronym stands for...
Accumulate positive emotions
Build mastery
Cope ahead for emotional events
"Jumping to the worse case scenario immediately"
What is Mindfulness?
Being present in the moment and establishing an awareness of what you are experiencing.
What are the four DBT modules?
Distress Tolerance
Emotional Regulation
Interpersonal Effectiveness
Name a healthy coping skill.
The STOP acronym stands for...
Stop (don't react, stay in control)
Take (a step back & a deep breath - don't act impulsively)
Observe (what are you feeling/thinking, what are other saying/doing?)
Proceed (mindfully, think about your goals & actions)
"The belief that one is responsible for events outside of their own control". For example, "My friend is always upset. She would be fine if I did more to help her".
Emotion Mind means....
A person's emotions are in control. Logical and reasonable thinking is not present. They seem out of control. They may report feeling overwhelmed, stuck, or confused.
What are the goals for Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills.
They include getting people to meet your needs, getting them to do those things you want them to do, and to get others to take your opinions seriously. The aim is to strengthen current relationships, build new and satisfying relationships, and end those relationships that are unhealthy or toxic
What does DBT stand for?
Dialectical Behavior Therapy!
The ACCEPTS acronym stands for...
Activities (watch your favorite movie, go for a walk, clean your room, spend time with friends/family, read a book, do a puzzle)
Contributing (sign up to volunteer, help someone with a project, donate items you no longer need, do something nice for someone else)
Comparisons (think about how you feel now as compared to a different time)
Emotions (watch an emotional movie, listen to a powerful/emotional song)
Pushing Away (whatever the situation is, put it aside for a while)
Thoughts (count something, repeat the words of your favorite song in your head, watch/read something that is thought provoking)
Sensations (squeeze a stress ball, take a hot/cold shower, turn on loud music, etc.)
"I should always be friendly", "I should be able to do this", "I should not feel this way"
"Should" statements!
A person is calm, cool, and collected. Thinking rationally and logically. They pay attention to the facts and ignore emotions.
Name two Distress Tolerance Skills
Problem Solving
Radical Acceptance
Explain the "5, 4, 3, 2, 1" grounding technique.
5 things you see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you hear, 2 things you smell, 1 thing you taste.
The TIPP acronym stands for...
Intense Exercise
Paced Breathing
Paired muscle relaxation
"Interpreting the thoughts and beliefs of others with adequate evidence".
Mind Reading!
Wise Mind means...
A person using input from both Emotion Mind and Logic Mind; and adds intuitive knowing. They focus on getting things done and on the experience.
What are the goals of Emotional Regulation Skills?
They are to name and understand our own emotions, decrease the frequency of unpleasant emotions, decrease our vulnerability to emotions, and decrease emotional suffering.
What is Radical Acceptance?
The complete and total acceptance of reality. This means that you accept reality of a situation in your mind, heart, and body.
The DEAR MAN acronym stands for...
"Recognizing only the negative aspects of a situation while ignoring the positive". For example, receiving compliments on an evaluation, but focusing on a single piece of negative feedback.
Disqualifying the positive!
What are the two types of mindfulness?
Opening the Mind: practice of observing or watching whatever comes into awareness. It is simply noticing thoughts, emotions, and sensations
Focusing the Mind: Involves focusing attention on specific internal or external events.
What are the four Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills?
Boundary Building
BONUS: How can you support yourself in your recovery?!
Take groups/treatment seriously, show up for yourself (even on the hard days), practice honesty and accountability, ASK FOR HELP, etc.