Notice without getting caught up in the experience and not reacting.
What is Observing.
Awareness of the present moment, observing one’s thoughts and feelings without judging them.
What is Mindfulness.
This is the step in DEAR MAN that involves sticking to the facts without judgment.
What is Describe.
What does "Dialectical" mean?
The balance between acceptance and change.
This state of mind is considered to be impulsive, dramatic, and high-intensity.
What is EMOTIONAL Mind
Calling a thought "just a thought" a feeling "just a feeling". Not getting caught up in the content.
What is the Describing skill.
Mindfulness is being in control of your mind rather than your mind controlling you. Another way to define mindfulness is by paying attention to / noticing this.
The present moment.
Letting the other person know specifically what it is that you need directly and clearly.
What is Assert.
What is the motto of DBT?
What is building a life worth living.
This mind utilizes intuition or one's gut feelings.
What is WISE Mind
Practice skills until they become part of your coping skills.
What is Participation.
Mindfulness can help us:
(slow down OR speed up) and
(increase OR decrease) attention.
slow down
and increase attention
These are the 7 skills that make up DEAR MAN.
What is Describe, Express, Assert, Reinforce, Mindful, Appear Confident, and Negotiate.
What does DBT stand for?
What is dialectical behavior therapy.
Someone who thinks in facts, logic or cause in effect uses what state of mind.
What is REASONABLE Mind.
Give an example of you using each skill Observe, Describe, and Participate.
Observe: This morning, I woke up and observed feeling tense throughout my body.
Describe: I felt tired.
Participate: I can participate by taking a shower or engaging in yoga.
Name 1 thing mindfulness can increase our awareness of.
thoughts, feelings, urges, sensations
Compromising on your needs and the other person's needs to create a win/win situation.
What is Negotiate.
Letting experiences, feelings, and thoughts come into your mind and slip right out.
What is Teflon mind.
This mindset involves being passionate about people, causes, and beliefs.
What is EMOTIONAL Mind
Using all five senses is an example of this “what” skill.
What is observe.
60 seconds to come up with a mindfulness role-play
Role Play
Use a confident voice, make good eye contact, no stammering, whispering, staring at the floor, or retreating. Demonstrate what this would look like.
What is Appear Confident.
What are the four skill modules of DBT?
What is Mindfulness, Emotional Regulation, Interpersonal Effectiveness, and Distress Tolerance.
This mind set allows us to connect to others with compassion.
This mind floods the system with energy such as anger or zaps your energy into feelings such as depression.
This mind understands what events and interpretations prompt certain emotions.
(Which Mind, is each example)