You only pay attention when bad things happen
Ignoring the good
knowing how long it will take to complete a task
Time management
This can help, you relax
deep breathing/breathing
Your body, space, property can be a
Physical boundary
Taking things as they are without wanting to change them.
When you believe that things are either right or wrong.
All or nothing thinking
Being able to pay attention to the activity you are doing.
find something else to focus on
Information about yourself , your thoughts, your believes that you keep to yourself is a form of
Psychological boundaries
Focusing on your goals and things you want to accomplish and getting it done is called
If i cant be perfect there is no point on trying
Creating goals, deciding how you are going to reach your goals.
You can name things you can see, hear, taste, touch smell
Five senses
No taking on other distress or issues is a form of
Emotional boundary
Setting clear expectation and asking for what you need
You think you know what others are thinking and feeling.
Mind reading
Keeping things in order
Use ice or cold water
Anything that separates you from other is a
Felling like you are a part of something
You make predictions without evidence
fortune telling
Thinking outside the box to solve problems.
Flexible thinking
Tensing your muscles and relaxing is
Progressive relaxation
the B for boundary stand for
Be aware of self
You don't over react when everyone else is upset because you are able to stay