What does Interpersonal mean?
In relation to communicating or relationships with people.
What is Mindfulness?
The act of consciously focusing on the present moment without judgement or attachment.
Identify one letter in IMPROVE
Imagery, Meaning, Prayer, Relaxing actions, One thing in the moment, Vacation, Encouragement
Name one Emotion Regulation skill
Check the Facts, Problem Solving, Opposite Action, ABC PLEASE,
Give an example of a dialectic
- You can be angry AND still love someone
- You can be kind AND still say no
- I am doing the best I can AND I can still do better
- I want to be alone AND I crave connection
The main skills of interpersonal effectiveness are DEARMAN, THINK, and ____ ____.
The TIP skill includes using temperature to help regulate emotions. How so?
Ice packs are used to slow down heart rate, (great for interrupting panic symptoms) as it forces your body to focus on a tangible physical sensation.
Warmth helps increase heart rate and relax muscles which can help with depression symptoms (taking a hot shower, cozy up in a blanket, drinking warm tea)
"Name it to _____ it"
What does this saying mean?
"Name it to tame it"
Practicing identifying emotions helps regulate them. It can also help you identify what prompting event triggered you.
What's an example of a Vulnerability Factor?
Poor sleep, missing medications, interpersonal conflict, not eating well, etc.
Describe the difference between Passive and Passive Aggression
Give examples!
Passive: Avoiding conflict, saying yes to please others, not voicing personal concerns
Passive Aggression: Indirectly communicating something is bothering you. Usually avoids confrontation. Uses notes, or other people as messengers.
Create a Wise Mind statement for the following situation.
Molly reported to her therapist that she engaged in some unhelpful movement. As a result her therapist placed her back under supervision and is having her complete a behavior chain each time she engages in exercise. Molly is frustrated and is thinking "This is what I get for telling the truth, this is stupid".
Molly has a right to feel frustrated after receiving a consequence, and at the same time, her care team is doing this to challenge the ED, not Molly.
Define the STOP skill and what its used for
Stop, Take a step back, Observe, Proceed mindfully.
It is used to help with impulsivity or with high urges.
When Checking the Facts, its important to stay "non-_______"
Share one thing your proud of!
Nice B)
You are hosting a family party. One family member continues to make unhelpful comments on another family members appearance.
How do you respond assertively?
"Hey commenting on someone else's body is not okay"
"They deserve respect"
""I know if that was me, that would hurt, so lets refrain from that"
"If you continue to make unhelpful comments I'm going to ask you to leave"
What would a non-judgmental version of this statement look like?
"I literally have no friends and no one talks to me. I hate everyone"
"I do have a smaller friend group than my peers, but that's because I prefer few relationships that are deeper. I also can play an active role in talking to people, maybe they're just as nervous as I am. I don't hate people, I just don't want to be alone and am displacing my anger"
How might you challenge Willfulness with posture?
How do you practice opposite action when feeling Willful?
The opposite emotion of shut-down would be open and willing. You can practice this by being curious rather than angry. Ask questions like:
"Why is this so distressing for me to hear?"
"Is there another way I could look at this situation that I'm missing?"
What's Elsie's star sign?
Your roommate has made frequent comments about the food you're eating stating "You should really try this instead, its SO much better for you"
"Hey so you've made these comments about my food for the last couple weeks and It makes me feel pretty upset. I'm doing my best relearning what health means to me and I know that no food is more dangerous than an ED. So I would love it if you would simply not comment on my food. It would help me a lot in my recovery".
Describe the "What" of the Mindfulness skills (Observe, Describe, Participate).
What is the goal of this skill?
To develop a lifestyle of participation with awareness. In order to change, we have to look at what's happening around us, and within us.
What does Radical Acceptance in this situation look like?
John is recently divorced and is unable to come to terms with separating with his partner. He frequently calls them and shows up to their house. He leaves voicemails and has neglected taking care of himself. All of his thoughts are occupied by his ex-partner.
While still struggling coping with his divorce. John has accepted that his partner does not want contact and has stopped leaving voicemails and showing up to their house. He is taking the time to explore his identity and new hobbies he enjoys. He grieves the relationship, but has accepted that it is over.
Recite the full ABC PLEASE Acronym
Accumulate positive emotions, Build Mastery Cope ahead.
Treat Physical Illness, Balanced eating, Avoid mood altering substances, Sleep, Exercise
What are the 5 ways you can respond to problem?
1. Problem solve
2. Change how you think/feel about it
3. Accept it
4. Stay miserable (Do nothing)
5. Make it worse