Distress Tolerance
Interpersonal Effectiveness
Emotional Regulation
What is DBT?

What are the three "what skills?"

Let's Practice Using the What Skills: 

Observe: Notice internal and external events 

Describe: Put words on what you notice 

Participate: Make decisions based on what you Observed and Described


What are types of skills to use to assist with approaching a stress, trigger or crisis?

Survival skills, crisis survival skills, accepting reality skills


What is 1. Increase ability to say no/assert needs respectfully. 2. Build and keep healthy relationships. 3. Increase self-respect in relationships. 4. Find balance of wants and needs/priorities and demands.

Goals of Interpersonal Effectiveness


What does "emotional regulation" mean to you?



Nonjudgmental attention to the present moment: connected to your life. 

What is mindfulness? 


What are the three "how" skills?

Let's Practice Using the How Skills: 

Non-judgmentally: Focus on the facts 

One-mindfully: Focus on one thing at a time 

 Effectively: Make decisions that move you toward your goals


What is ACCEPTS crisis survival skill?

Distract myself with activities, comparisons contributing, emotions, pushing away, thoughts and sensations.


What is “Broken Record” IPE skill?

Be a broken record with myself. Keep coming back to my needs.


What does PLEASE mean in emotional regulation?


 treat PhysicaL illness

 balanced Eating

 Avoid mood alerting drugs

 balanced Sleep

 balanced Exercise


Deal with the crisis, feel your feelings, accept the problem. 

Take a break, focus on something else for awhile. 

What is distress tolerance?

How can you use your 5 senses to be mindful?

Observe using your 5 senses:

What are 5 things you see?

What are 4 things you can hear?

What are 3 things you can feel?

What are 2 things you can smell?

What is 1 thing you can taste?


What are accepting realizing skills?

Pros and Cons, Turn the Mind, Radical Acceptance, Willingness


What is “Ignore” IPE skill?

 Ignore the judgement of others.


What would an "opposite action" be to being sad and withdrawing from your friends?

Visit and communicate with your friends. 

 Increase understanding of emotions

 Reduce emotional suffering

 Reduce emotional vulnerability

 Increase positive emotions (mastery/fun)

What is emotional regulation?


What would it look like for you to take a moment to pause? 

Moment to Pause:

Take a quick moment to check in with myself on the outside, inside and in my interactions. 


What are times of crisis, triggers, needing a break, when you are out of your window of tolerance, need to ground yourself, etc.

 Opportunities to practice distress tolerance skills.


What is “FAST” IPE skill?

Be fair to myself, apologize less, stick to my values, and be truthful with myself.


What does it mean to you to "check the facts" when you are feeling upset about a situation?

Ask yourself these questions when you are checking the facts.

1. What event triggered my emotion?

2. What interpretations or assumptions am I making about the event?

3. Does my emotion and intensity match the facts of the situation? Or does it match my assumptions about the situation?


 Increase ability to say no/assert needs


 Build and keep healthy relationships

 Increase self respect in relationships

 Find balance of wants and needs/priorities and


What is interpersonal effectiveness? 


Let's check in with how your body is feeling. 

You can notice your feet on the floor, notice the sensations of your feet touching the floor. The weight and pressure, vibration, heat.

You can notice your legs against the chair, pressure, pulsing, heaviness, lightness.

Notice your back against the chair.

Notice your hands. Are your hands tense or tight. See if you can allow them to soften.

Notice your arms. Feel any sensation in your arms. Let your shoulders be soft.

Notice your neck and throat. Let them be soft. Relax.

Soften your jaw. Let your face and facial muscles be soft.

Then notice your whole body present. Take one more breath.



Describe a time when you needed to practice a Distress Tolerance skill and/or how you can use one in the future.



Give an example of when you can use an Interpersonal Effectiveness skill and how it can help you.


What does it mean to "pay attention to positive events"?

If you notice yourself paying attention only to the negative aspects of an event try to stop and refocus on the positive aspects of the event instead. Make it a point to notice small positives in each day or event. Don't let minor issues ruin your moments. 


Provides gentle, informal exposure to emotions with a sense of self-efficacy 

Regulates emotions by decreasing their intensity 

Allows for a more complete expressions of emotions cueing a fuller adaptive response 

What is validation?