This DBT skill helps clients tolerate distress without making things worse.
What is Distress Tolerance?
This core ACT principle focuses on staying open to difficult emotions instead of avoiding them.
What is Acceptance?
The practice of focusing on the present moment without judgment.
What is Mindfulness?
DBT is most commonly used for this mental health condition.
What is Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)?
A mindfulness exercise that can help a client calm down during a panic attack.
What is Grounding (5-4-3-2-1 or Breathing Techniques)?
The four skill modules of DBT.
What are Mindfulness, Emotion Regulation, Distress Tolerance, and Interpersonal Effectiveness?
The term for the ability to observe oneself from a detached perspective.
What is Self-as-Context?
This mindfulness exercise involves using the our senses to ground oneself.
What is the Five Senses Exercise?
While DBT teaches clients to change thoughts and behaviors, ACT focuses on this.
What is Acceptance?
A DBT skill useful for setting boundaries in difficult relationships.
What is Interpersonal Effectiveness (DEAR MAN, GIVE, FAST)?
This acronym reminds clients to take care of their basic physical needs to regulate emotions.
What is PLEASE (Physical health, List drug use, Eating, Altering mind, Sleep, Exercise)?
This ACT technique helps people see thoughts as just thoughts, not literal truths.
What is Cognitive Defusion?
This breathing technique helps calm the nervous system and increase focus.
What is Box Breathing (Inhale 4, Hold 4, Exhale 4, Hold 4)?
The therapy that uses validation as a key intervention.
What is DBT?
An ACT-based technique to help a client who feels stuck in negative thoughts.
What is Cognitive Defusion?
This technique involves noticing thoughts and feelings without reacting impulsively.
What is Wise Mind?
The six core processes of ACT.
What are Acceptance, Cognitive Defusion, Present Moment Awareness, Self-as-Context, Values, and Committed Action?
A mindfulness practice where one mentally sends goodwill to oneself and others.
What is Loving-Kindness Meditation (Metta)?
The therapy that uses values-driven behavior rather than symptom reduction as the primary goal.
What is ACT?
A real-world example of how ACT and DBT overlap.
What is using mindfulness to accept emotions (ACT) while applying skills to regulate them (DBT)?
A DBT skill used to communicate effectively while maintaining self-respect and relationships.
What is DEAR MAN (Describe, Express, Assert, Reinforce, Mindful, Appear confident, Negotiate)?
A metaphor where passengers represent thoughts, and the driver chooses whether to let them control the journey.
What is the Bus Metaphor?
This mindfulness concept describes the ability to observe thoughts as passing events rather than absolute truths.
What is Thought Watching or Noting?
The key difference between DBT and ACT in dealing with emotions.
What is DBT focuses on emotion regulation and distress tolerance, while ACT focuses on acceptance and willingness?
The best way to integrate mindfulness into therapy for a resistant client.
What is using informal mindfulness (e.g., mindful eating, mindful walking) rather than formal meditation?