When you can maintain openness to contradictory and/ or polarized thoughts and points of view. Blend these thoughts into a “truth” that best explains reality at the moment.
What is Thinking Dialectally?
These skills will help you experience the present moment more fully while focusing less on painful experiences from the past or frightening possibilities in the future. They also help give you tools to overcome habitual, negative judgments about yourself and others.
What are Mindfulness Skills?
These skills give you new tools to express your beliefs and needs, set limits, and negotiate solutions to problems—all while protecting your relationships and treating others with respect.
What are Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills?
These skills help you cope better with painful events by building resiliency and giving you new ways to soften the effects of upsetting circumstances
What are Distress Tolerance Skills?
These skills help you to recognize more clearly what you feel and then to observe each emotion without getting overwhelmed by it. The goal is to modulate your feelings without behaving in reactive, destructive ways.
What are Emotional Regulation Skills?
This state of mind refers to the Inherent wisdom each person.
What is Wise Mind?
Mindlessness is often described as this.
What is auto-pilot?
When we want to Keep a relationship, we have to remember to G.I.V.E.
What is be Gentle, act Interested, Validate and use an Easy Manner?
Soothe yourself with these.
What are your senses?
Biology, Lack of Skill, Reinforcement of Emotional Behavior, Moodiness, Emotional Overload and Emotion Myths
What are things that make it hard to regulate emotions?
Spock would be proud of you for being in this state of mind where you are ruled by facts, reason, logic, and pragmatics. Values and feelings are not important.
What is Reasonable/Rational Mind?
Taking a walk, doing a body scan, eating slowly and intentionally are all examples of this.
What are example of mindfulness practices?
When we do this some helpful questions to ask ourselves are How important is: Getting what you want/obtaining your goal? Keeping the relationship? Maintaining your self-respect?
What is clarifying priorities?
What is Activities, Contribute, Comparisons, Emotions (opposite), Push Away, Thoughts, and Sensations?
When your emotions do not fit the facts, or when acting on your emotions is not effective, acting this way will change your emotional reactions.
What is Opposite?
Put on your mood ring and let it tell you what to do if you’re in this state of mind at the whim of your mood, feelings and urges. Spock and all his logic can ride in backseat.
What is Emotion Mind?
Increased in emotion regulation, decrease in distractive and ruminating thoughts and behaviors, decrease in depression/anxiety; reduction of pain symptoms, decrease in psychological distress, increase in sense of well being
What are the benefits of Mindfulness?
To get what you want write a letter to him Describing, Expressing, Asserting, Reinforcing, while staying Mindful, Appearing Confident and Negotiating.
What is D.E.A.R. M.A.N.?
This skill reminds us how we can make the moment better by going to a safe place in our mind, finding meaning, using prayer, relaxing, taking one thing at a time, take a “Holiday” and utilize encouraging words.
What is I.M.P.R.O.V.E?
One thing at a time
PL.E.A.S.E. take care of your Mind by taking care of your body.
What is Treat PhysicaL illness, balance Eating, avoid mood-Altering substances, balance Sleep, and get Exercise.
Individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder and those who were chronically suicidal.
Who are the people DBT was developed to treat?
This person defines mindfulness as “Paying attention to something, in a particular way, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally.”
Who is Jon Kabat-Zinn?
When deciding this you want to consider capability, priorities, self-respect, right, authority, type of relationship, long versus short term goals, the degree of give and take, whether you’ve done your homework and the timing of your request/refusal.
What is how FIRM OR INTENSE you want to be in your request or boundary?
Changing your temperature, engaging in intense exercise, pacing your breath and paired muscle relaxation can do this to the scales.
What is T.I.P.P.
Intense Exercise
Paced Breathing
Paired Muscle Relaxation
You can reduce your vulnerability by remembering these three things. (Hint: You Probably learned this before the age of 5.)
What are ABC’s?
Accumulate positive emotions
Build Mastery
Cope ahead of time with emotional situations