Crisis Survival
TIPP skills
IMPROVE the moment

Name a time when you should use a crisis survival skill

When we're having intense pain that cannot be helped quickly

When we are wanting to act on emotion mind urges that could make things worse

When emotional distress might become overwhelming

When we're overwhelmed but need to meet demands

What does TIPP stand for?

Temperature, intense exercise, paced breathing, and progressive muscle relaxation.


True or false - distraction will not stop you form feeling a painful emotion

True. Painful emotions are inevitable and distraction can only help you survive those moments of intense emotion.


What is self-soothe?

When you are kind, gentle and comforting to yourself.


When do we use IMPROVE the moment skills?

When we want to shift our mood and bring positivity to a situation to remember that distress does not and cannot last forever.


True or False: Crisis survival skills should also be used for everyday problems. 

False. Crisis survival skills are not always helpful for not crisis situations and other coping skills may be more effective. 


True or false these skills are our first line of defense before moving into other distress tolerance skills.

True. (they are very short lived and work effectively in the moment)

Why do we want to distract ourselves from painful emotions?
Because we cant always deal with stressful situations right away or in that moment.

What are the senses that we use to practice self-soothing techniques?

Sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch, and movement.


Creating purpose or reason of a situation is an example of what part of the IMPROVE the moment skill?

Improve the moment with Meaning.


The skill that we can use when we're in emotion mind that helps us stay in control, prevents us from immediately reacting, and helps to get to wise mind 

STOP skill


 How do the TIPP skills work?

 They work by calming down your body sensations.

Distraction skills should only be used to get through a difficult moment. If we overuse them it becomes what?
Avoidance. If we try and avoid painful emotions forever they will come back stronger and we will likely have less control over them.

Why can self-soothing be a difficult skill?

1) we can feel undeserving, guilty or ashamed.

2) we feel others should be soothing us.


When you picture yourself in detail achieving a goal that you have, you are using this part of the skill

Improve the moment with Imagery


When you are mindful of what is happening around you and within you, gather relevant facts about what is going on and what your current options are, you are using this part of the STOP skill.



What is the "Dive response"

The "dive response" is the body's physiological response to submersion in cold water. Your heart rate slows down, blood flow to nonessential organs is reduced, and blood flow is redirected to the heart and brain.


When you engage in a puzzle, like Sudoku, crosswords, or mazes, you are using this part of the skill

Distract with different Thoughts


Most people spend a lot of time being hard on themselves, when we practice self-soothing techniques we give ourselves what?

Permission to relax when painful or overwhelming emotions occur.

What does IMPROVE stand for?
Imagery, meaning, prayer, relaxaing, One this in the moment, vacation, encouragement.

What are the two different categories of distress tolerance ?

1)Survive crisis situations

2)Accepting reality (we'll cover this next)


At what level of distress (1-10) or higher should you use a distress tolerance skill? 


What does ACCEPTS stand for?
Activities, contribute, comparisons, emotions, push away, thoughts, sensations

What are some of the characteristics that indicate you are in a crisis?

1)Urge to do something you know is ineffective.

2)Noticing your emotions are getting overwhelming.

3) Difficulty connecting with Wise Mind

4) Fight/flight/freeze responses


When you go outside, sit back, read a magazine, you might be using this part of the skill. 

Improve the Moment with Vacation