Crisis Survival Basics
Practical Applications
DBT Misc.

True or False: Crisis survival skills are the only skills we need because they always work for everyday problems.

What is false?


The "I" stands for this in TIPP...

Hint: Think of emotions as energy that we can get out with...

What is Intense Exercise?


You are feeling very sad and decide to care for yourself by wrapping up in your favorite soft blanket, lighting a candle, making a warm cup of tea, and watching a comfort tv show. You are using several tools for this skill...

What is Self Soothe with the Five Senses?


The term dialectics means...

What is balance, and more than one thing can be true, even if they appear to be opposite?


Crisis Survival skills are a part of this module of DBT.

What is Distress Tolerance?


The "O" stands for this in STOP...

Hint: It is a What Mindfulness Skill

What is Observe?


You've identified a problem behavior in repeatedly calling your friend to make sure they aren't mad at you. You are trying to decide whether to reach out, or use a skillful behavior. You can use this skill to help you decide?

What is Pros and Cons?


Mindfulness is...

What is paying attention, on purpose, to the present moment, without judgement?


True or False: We may need to use crisis survival skills to bring intensity of emotion down before using another type of skill.

What is true?


The "M" stands for this in IMPROVE the Moment...

Hint: making lemonade out of lemons

What is Meaning?


Your muscles are feeling very tight and you notice that you are starting to have unhelpful thought patterns that are making you more anxious. You could use part of the TIPP skill...

What is Paired Muscle Relaxation with Effective Rethinking?


I'm feeling overwhelmed, almost to the point of panic, I remember a big, red stop sign in my mind, telling me to STOP whatever it is I'm doing. But I can't remember what else to do. How do I use the STOP skill again?

What is Stop, Take a break, take a step back, take a breath, Observe, and Proceed Mindfully?


Crisis survival skills should be practiced first...

What is at our baseline or when we are feeling fine/neutral?

The "P" stands for this in STOP...

Hint: We ask our wise mind, what is the next step

What is Proceed Mindfully?


You are getting stressed out at work and decide to motivate yourself by telling yourself, "you've got this, you're a talented person"...

What is IMPROVE the Moment with Self-Encouragement?


Crisis survival skills help us tolerate distress so we don't....

What is make things worse?

We learned this many crisis survival skills...

What is six?


These are some of the ways we can Distract with Wise Mind ACCEPTS.... (name at least three)

What is with Activities, with Contributing, with Comparisions, with different Emotions, with Pushing away, with other Thoughts, or with other Sensations?


You're feeling very angry about a situation with a family member. Your anger is valid, yet you are ruminating on the situation and you can't talk with that person right now, in fact, you need to get back to work. How can you distract yourself?

What is Distract with Pushing Away? Imagine putting it in a box and getting it back down after work.

Other parts of the distract skill could also be helpful here. 


Distress Tolerance includes crisis survival skills and...

What is Acceptance skills?