What does the "A" stand for in ACCEPTS?
Eating your favorite food and really paying attention to it is an example of which self Soothe Skill?
What does the V in IMPROVE stand for?
Give an example of how you might practice "E" in ACCEPTS
If you are sad, watch a funny video
Doing yoga or throwing a ball around is example of which Self Soothe Skill?
Which skills involves finding or creating some purpose, meaning or value in the pain?
AKA making lemonade out of lemons
M - Meaning
Give an example of how you can practice the "S" in ACCEPTS
Do something that uses your 5 senses- hold an ice cube, take a hot or cold shower
Looking at a photo album is an example of which Self Soothe Skill?
Which skill involves focusing your entire attention on what you are doing right now?
O- One thing in the moment
If you hold a door open for a stranger or compliment a friend on their outfit, what part of ACCEPTS are you doing
Putting a cold cloth on your head and petting an animal are examples of which Self Soothe Skill?
Give 1 example of how you could use "Encouragement"
Tell yourself "I can stand it," "it won't last forever," "I will make it through this," or whatever encouraging words work for you
Give an example of something that you can do for EACH letter of ACCEPTS!
Activity - puzzles
Contributing - volunteering
Comparisons - comparing to a time that you felt worse
E - when you feel angry, dance
P - when you are angry from doing a hard math problem, put it down for a bit
T -Think about your trip to the beach and every activity that you did or everything you saw
S - watch a piece of ice melt in your hand when overwhelmed
Give 2 examples of how you could use the "Touch" skill?
Give 2 examples of how you could use the "I" skill
Imagery- Imagine a very relaxing scene, imagine a calming safe place, imagine things going well, imagine coping well. Imagine painful emotions draining out of you like water out of a pipe.