The DBT module for crisis survival and reality acceptance
What is Distress Tolerance?
When you weigh the benefits and drawbacks of acting on your crisis urges vs. resisting your crisis urges
What is Pros and Cons skill?
Practicing acceptance with your body posture
What is Willing Hands skill?
A short-term situation that is highly stressful and creates intense pressure to come to a resolution NOW
What is a crisis?
Take a bubble bath and listen to ocean sounds
What is Self-Soothing skill?
To survive a crisis situation without making it worse
What is a goal of DBT Distress Tolerance?
Calming through your 5 senses to reduce the intensity of your emotion
What is Self-Soothing skill?
Practicing acceptance with your facial expression
What is Half-Smiling skill?
Emotion mind threatens to overwhelm you, and you need to stay skillful
What is when you should use a crisis survival skill?
Cheerleading yourself like, "You've got this" and "You've done this before and you can do it again!"
What is Improve the Moment skill?
Binge drinking/substance abuse, self-harm, suicidality, avoidance, and lashing out at others
What are examples of crisis urges?
When you change your body chemistry to reduce the intensity of your emotion
What is the TIP skill?
Doing just what is needed in the moment, listening carefully to Wise Mind, and responding from your wisest place
What is willingness?
You are overwhelmed, but demands must be met
What is when you should use a crisis survival skill?
The phrase to help you remember all the ways you can use Distracting to reduce emotion intensity
What is Wise Mind ACCEPTS?
To accept reality and replacing suffering and being stuck with the possibility of moving forward
What is a goal of DBT Distress Tolerance?
Intense Exercise
What is the I in TIP?
What Radical Acceptance is NOT?
When your emotion intensity from 0-100 is closer to 70 or above
What is a crisis?
What is the O in STOP skill?
Everyday problems, solving your life problems, and making your life worth living
What are Crisis Survival Skills NOT used for?
Reality as it is, limitations, causes, and the truth that life can still be worth living
What are things that have to be accepted?
When you observe your thoughts, adopt a curious mind, refrain from identifying with your thoughts, and do not judge, block or repress your thoughts
What is Mindfulness of Current Thoughts?
A physiological response to putting your full face in cold water where your heart rate slows, blood flow to your non-essential organs is reduced, and blood flow is redirected to your brain and heart
What is the Mammalian Dive Reflex or Dive Response?