Talk about how you used 2 of these skills in the past and how they helped you deal with difficult feelings or situation.
Imagery, Meaning, Peace, Relaxation, One thing in the Moment, Vacation, Encouragement
Imagery--Imagined a funny cartoon character, imagined sitting on the beach and feeling the warm breeze.
Meaning-- Writing poetry, identifying some life goals, looking foward to trying some new experiences.
Peace--Warm bubble bath, taking a walk near a stream, listening to calming music.
Relaxation--Deep breathing, muscle relaxation, stretching, yoga.
One thing in the Moment--Focusing all of your attention on a mindfulness activity such as blowing bubbles, coloring a picture, listening to the words of a song.
Vacation--Taking a short break from responsibilities. Allowing ourselves to take a short nap before finishing homework, eating a snack and then completing chores.
Encouragement--Telling ourselves positive things that will motivate us: "You have dealt with much worse situations in your life. You can make it through this, too", reminding ourselves of the success we are making towards our goals.