Distract with Accepts
"IMPROVE" the Moment
Self-Soothing Skills
Pros & Cons
Radical Acceptance/ half-smile willing hands.

The "ACCEPTS" skills help distract us from from our emotional pain. Why do we sometimes need to be distracted from our pain?

Sometimes our pain is overwhelming and sometimes our pain is related to situations that we cannot change. Continuing to focus on our pain can lead to us getting stuck in certain emotions.


How can the "IMPROVE" skills help us when we are dealing with emotional pain?

These skills can help us distract, soothe ourselves, and decrease our negative feelings.

What are the five senses that can be used in self-soothing skills?
Touch, smell, look, taste, and hearing.

What is a Pros & Cons list and why is it used?

A Pros & Cons list helps you figure out how a certain choice would be positive and negative for you. You create two columns and list all of the positives and negatives of a choice you might make.


In radical acceptance, what has to be accepted?

Reality as it is. Full acceptance of what is in the moment and the past; doesn't mean approval. 


How can "contributing" or helping other people help distract us from our pain?

Helping others allows us to take the focus off ourselves and focus on someone else. Helping others may also lead to us having some positive emotions.


The "E" stands for encouragement. What is an example of how you can encourage yourself when you are facing difficult feelings or situations?

--Saying positive things to yourself like, "You are strong, you can get through this". --reminding yourself that things won't always feel this bad since feelings come and go -- remembering the goals you are working towards


What does it mean to "self-soothe"?

Using different activities, thoughts, and experiences to help yourself decrease or tolerate negative feelings.


How can using a Pros & Cons list help you when you are feeling really upset and having unsafe thoughts?

A Pros & Cons list can help you figure out if acting on your unsafe thoughts would lead to more positive or negative outcomes in your life. It can help you to think through things and be less impulsive.


What does Radical mean? 

All the way, complete and total. 


What activities can help us have "opposite emotions" and distract us if we are feeling really sad?

Examples: Exercising, helping someone, watching a funny TV show, spending time with one of your favorite friends.


What does the P stand for in improve the moment? 

what is prayer


What are 3 examples of self-soothing skills that involve "touch"?

Examples: Laying under a soft blanket, taking a cold/hot shower, playing with a stress ball, putting on lotion/cologne.


Your alarm goes off at 6am for work. You are really tired and want to stay in bed. What are the pros of staying in bed and the cons of staying in bed?

Pro: It would feel so good to keep staying in bed. 

Con: If I stay in bed, I will be late for work and then my boss will be really angry with me. 


Radical acceptance is not? 

Approval, compassion, love, passivity or against change. 


Fill in the blank: Using ____________ can help us realize that someone else has more struggles than we do and that our situation could be worse.



What does the I stand for in Improve the Moment?

What is Imagery?


Name 3 self-soothing skills that involve "hearing"?

Examples: -Listening to your breathing, paying attention to sounds of nature, listening to your favorite songs on your radio.


In order to do complete a Pros & Cons list, what mind do you need to be in: emotional, rational or wise mind? How does being in that type of mind help you best in doing a Pros & Cons list?

Wise Mind. Being in Wise Mind helps you be aware of your emotions and make the best decisions that will help bring you closer to your goals.


What is one factor that can interfere with acceptance? 

Not having skills needed for acceptance, not knowing how to accept really painful events and believing that if you accept a painful event, you are approving of the facts and that nothing will change. 


Your boyfriend/girlfriend broke up with you without any explanation. You feel sad, empty, angry, and alone. Your feelings become overwhelming, and you begin to have thoughts to hurt yourself. In order to distract yourself from these feelings, you walk into the kitchen and grab some ice cubes that you hold in your bare hands for 10 minutes. This is an example of using what ACCEPTS skill?



What does the R stand for in Improve the moment? and give 2 examples you would use. 

What is Relaxation? 

2 examples: 


What are the best times to use your self-soothing skills?

When you are in emotional pain, feeling overwhelmed by your emotions, having thoughts/impulses to be unsafe.


Talk about a time when you used a pros & cons list. How did it help you decide what you needed to do in your life? 



What is half-smile willing hands? 

half smile with open hands; open to acceptance.