Understanding Emotions
Model for Describing Emotions
Decrease Emotional Vulnerability
Self Care Hodge Podge

This is one of the reasons why humans experience emotions

What is motivate us or prepares us for action,  communicate to others or communicate to ourselves, or to give us information?


A situation or event that has triggered an emotion.

What is prompting event?


The skill that includes building more pleasant experiences into your life now.

What is accumulate positives experiences?


Tell me a time where you might need to "cope ahead" with a potentially upsetting situation

What is an upcoming social event, going to a party with alcohol present, asking a teacher for help, return to school after long absence, giving class presentation, holidays with family? 


Name 2 out of 3 "states of mind"

What are reason mind, emotion mind or wise mind?


Knowing how you are feeling and allowing yourself to feel your feelings will help you...

What is being able to use skills to catch emotions before they get overwhelming?


The Interpretation about a triggering event is labeled as what 

What are thoughts?


You learn to identify emotions by using what skill

What is mindfulness, observe and describe?


Observing your emotion mentally and physically without judgment or attachment, respecting that the emotion exists.

What is mindfulness of current emotion?

The three WHAT skills in mindfulness.
What are observe, describe, and participate?

 This emotion is a reaction to a prompting or triggering event that happened.

What is a primary emotion?


The urge to act on an emotion is known as what?

What is an action urge?


Name one thing you can do to build mastery today

What is cross off item on to-do list, practice instrument, sport, homework, cooking/baking


Deciding what skills you might need to use in a future situation you are imagining is part of what skill

What is cope ahead?

The three HOW skills of mindfulness.
What are effectively, one-mindfully, and non-judgmentally?

This type of emotion is about our feelings about primary emotions.

What are secondary emotions?


You can let go of painful emotions by using what skill?

What is mindfulness or the skill of opposite action?


True or False?  Emotions last forever so you should avoid having to feel them

what is false?


The acronym ABC stands for...

What is accumulate positive experiences, build master and cope ahead?


Once we have been aroused by an emotion, other emotions are more easily triggered, this is known as the _______ of an emotion

What is an after effect?  Your reaction to an event might be more intense due to the fact you are still running high on first event that triggered you.


To be an expert emotions detective, be on the lookout for clues that might help you catch an emotion

What are body sensations, thoughts, verbal and nonverbal communication and actions urges and actions.


True or False?  Identifying and being able to name your emotion will help you to regulate that emotion.

What is true?


Name what each letter of PLEASE stands for

What is treat physical illness, balanced eating, avoid mood-altering substances, balanced sleep, get exercise?


The goal of this DBT Skills module is to reduce vulnerability emotions mind, identify and manage emotions and understand their purpose.

What is emotion regulation?


True or False?  The model of emotions is like an electrical circuit, if you break the circuit somewhere you can change emotions or intensity

What is true?