Model for Describing Emotions
The Function of Emotions
Name that Emotion
Components of Emotions
General DBT

True or false: Expressions include face and body language, what you say (words), and your behavior (actions)



Name one function of emotions. Why do we need them?

1. Emotions motivate (and organize) us for action

2. Emotions communicate to (and influence) others

3. Emotions communicate to ourselves


Our response to threats to our life, health, or well-being. It focuses us on escape from danger.



What's another word for anger?

bitterness fury indignation vengefulness aggravation exasperation grouchiness irritation wrath agitation ferocity grumpiness outrage annoyance frustration hostility rage


The two components of Wise Mind?

Emotion mind and reasonable mind


Give an example of a pre-existing vulnerability factor?

any correct example counts


Biology, lack of skill, reinforcement of emotional behavior, moodiness, emotional overload, and emotion myths

What Makes It Hard to Regulate Your Emotions


Our response to the blocking of important goals or activities or to an imminent attack on the self or to important others. It focuses us on self-defense, mastery, and control.



Name an expression/action of fear

Fleeing, running away. Running or walking hurriedly. Hiding from or avoiding what you fear. Engaging in nervous, fearful talk. Pleading or crying for help. Talking less or becoming speechless. Screaming or yelling. Darting eyes or quickly looking around. Frozen stare. Talking yourself out of doing what you fear. Freezing, or trying not to move. Crying or whimpering. Shaking, quivering, or trembling. A shaky or trembling voice. Sweating or perspiring. Diarrhea, vomiting. Hair erect.


The three WHAT skills in mindfulness.





True or false: Learning to observe, describe, and name your emotions can help you regulate your emotions.



True or myth: Extreme emotions get you a lot further than trying to regulate your emotions

Myth! Bonus points if you can challenge this myth!


Organizes our response to optimal functioning of ourselves, others we care about, or the social group we are part of. It focuses us on continuing activities that enhance pleasure and personal and social value.



Name a biological change/experience of sadness

Feeling tired, run-down, or low in energy. Feeling lethargic, listless; wanting to stay in bed all day. Feeling as if nothing is pleasurable anymore. Pain or hollowness in your chest or gut. Feeling empty. Feeling as if you can’t stop crying, or if you ever start crying you will never be able to stop. Difficulty swallowing. Breathlessness. Dizziness.


What does the TIP acronym stand for?


Intense exercise

Paced breathing


For each specific emotion, there is a  ____ ____ that sets off the emotion—events that occur right before the emotion starts

Prompting Event


Challenge this myth: Emotional truth is what counts, not factual truth.

Both emotional feelings and facts matter.


Our response related to specific actions that have led to violation of values. It focuses us on actions and behaviors that are likely to repair the violation.



Name an aftereffect of happiness

Being courteous or friendly to others. Doing nice things for other people. Having a positive outlook; seeing the bright side. Having a high threshold for worry or annoyance. Remembering and imagining other times you have felt joyful. Expecting to feel joyful in the future.


Complete and total openness to the facts of reality as they are (only the facts). Accepting in your mind, your heart, and your body. When you stop fighting reality.

Radical Acceptance


What happens to your mind, your body, and your emotions just after your first emotion has started

Aftereffects of emotions


True or false: the experience of sensations can be changed directly

False! The experience of sensations can only be changed indirectly. For example, we can focus our attention on something else through distraction, or we can change our biology to block the sensations.


Our response related to personal characteristics or our own behaviors that are dishonoring or sanctioned by our own community. It focuses us on hiding transgressions and, if these are already public, engaging in appeasement-related behaviors.


What emotion do these experiences fit the facts for?

1. A very important and desired relationship or object in your life is in danger of being damaged or lost.

2. Someone is threatening to take a valued relationship or object away from you.



The inner wisdom that each person has. Seeing the value of both reason and emotion. Bringing left brain and right brain together. The middle path.

Wise Mind