Understanding and Describing Emotion
Changing Emotional Reactions
Decrease Emotional Vulnerability
Decrease Emotional Suffering
General DBT, Mindfulness and Dialectics
This is one of the things that emotions do for you (reasons we have emotions).
What is motivate us, communicate to others, or communicate to ourselves? (ER 4)
The first step to changing your emotional response.
What is check the facts?

The skill that includes building more pleasant experiences into your life now.

What is accumulate positives - short term? 


Three things you can do to increase the likelihood of restful sleep.

 What is keep a consistent schedule, avoid caffeine,  alcohol and nicotine. Exercise late in the d, keep room dark and cool 

The two components of wise mind.
What are reason mind and emotion mind?

Biology, lack of skill, reinforcement of emotional behavior, moodiness, emotional overload, and emotional myths.

What makes it hard to regulate your emotions? 

Three or more steps in Check the Facts skill.
1. identify emotion to change 2. identify prompting event - just the facts 3. interpretations, thoughts assumptions 4. assuming a threat? 5. assuming a catastrophe? 6. does my emotion fit the facts? (ER 8)

Making changes in your life that are in line with your values, which leads to more positive things happening in the future.

What is accumulate positives - long term? 


Observing your emotion mentally and physically without judgment or attachment, respecting that the emotion exists.

What is mindfulness of current emotion?

The three WHAT skills in mindfulness.
What are observe, describe, and participate?

A challenge for the myth that there is a right way to feel in every situation.

What is the statement "emotional reactions are different for each person"? (or similar)


The question to ask yourself in deciding whether to use opposite action or problem solving.

What is -Is acting on my emotion effective?


A key factor in building mastery.

What is building a sense of accomplishment, gradually increasing difficulty, planning for success, or looking for a challenge?


Change emotions through opposite action, let go of painful emotions by practicing mindfulness

What is how do you reduce emotional suffering?

The three HOW skills of mindfulness.
What are effectively, one-mindfully, and non-judgmentally?

When you love a person,animal or object and it enhances your quality of life for yourself and others in your life

When your live fits the facts

An example of taking opposite action for anger.
What is do something nice / use gentle approach / take a time out? (or similar) ER 10

Identifying a problem, choosing a strategy to use, and practicing it in your imagination, and relaxing or preparing yourself for a stressful event.

What is cope ahead? 


A mistaken belief based on how you feel which makes it difficult to regulate your emotions.

What is emotional myth?


Walking the middle path,  more than one things can be true at the same time, using AND instead of OR, letting go of extremes? (or similar)

What is dialectics?


How effective that emotion is in your life now? How important are the outcomes?How likely is the expected outcome to occur?

What is justification for intensity and duration emotion?

The last step of problem solving.
What is evaluate the results of the solution, and go back to brainstorming if it didn't work?

 3 things you can do to reduce emotional vulnerability?

What is treat physical illness,  balanced eating, avoid mood-altering substances, balanced sleep and get exercise

6 things to check when you are troubleshooting emotion regulation skills because what you are doing isn't working.
What is biological sensitivity, skills, reinforcers for emotion, mood/time and effort, emotional overload/TIP, and emotional myths?

When you use a map or follow directions. When you scream at someone or when you actively listen.

What is examples of being in the 3 states of mind?