Opposite action
Check the Facts

2 goals of Emotion Regulation are

What are:

-understand the emotions you experience

-Reduce emotional vulnerability

-Stop unwanted emotions

-Decrease the frequency of unwanted emotions

-Decrease emotional suffering

-Stop or reduce suffering from unwanted emotions once they start.


This is the first step in Opposite Action:

What is Identify the emotion you are feeling?


We use Check the Facts because these two things can influence each other

What are thoughts and emotions


The physical sensations we have in our body when we experience and emotion are called this

What are urges?


The A in ABC stands for this

What is Accumulating Positive Experiences?


This is an example of a Myth about Emotions

There is a right way to feel.

It's a weakness to express feeling badly.

Negative feelings are bad.

Being emotional means being out of control.

Some emotions are stupid.

Drama is cool.

Other people are better judges of how I should be feeling.


Doing things to increase a sense of control and mastery over fears is opposite action for this emotion

What is fear?


When an emotion doesn't fit the facts we want to use this skill

What is Opposite action


The opposite action of anxiety requires you to do this

What is approach or confront the things that you fear.


We use ABC PLEASE to do this

What is Reduce Vulnerability


These are three common physical sensations that occur when one is ANGRY.

What are:

Clenching hands

Flushing or heating

teeth clenching 

muscles tightening


Opposite action works best when:

The emotion does not fit the facts

It is done all the way.


An example of an emotion that fits the facts is feeling this emotion when an important goal is blocked or prevented

What is Anger


The first question to ask in problem solving is

What is Can the Problem be solved?


This is when you prepare for future stressful events in an effective way to decrease the liklihood of engaging in ineffective behaviors

What is Cope Ahead?


These are the 3 purposes of Emotions.

-Give us information

-Communicate to and influence others

-Motivate and prepare us for action


We may want to use Opposite Action when the emotion fits the facts when this is true

When the emotion, intensity, or duration are not effective to reaching your goals in the situation.


The 3 steps to CHeck the Facts are

1. Ask What is the emotion I want to change?

2. Ask what is the event prompting my emotion?

3. Ask Am I interpreting this situation correctly/are there other possible interpretations of the situation?


Doing something you do not want to do in order to feel good about having completed it is an example of this

What is building mastery?


These are the 5 pleasant activities I did this week so far

Open answer


Feeling guilt fits the facts when this has occurred.

What is doing something you believe is wrong


Doing something that violates your personal values or long-term goals.


This is what we do when we decide that we don't want to change the emotion using opposite action.

What is use another skill?


One additional question I may want to ask could be

What is 

-Am I thinking in extremes?

-What is the likelihood of the worst thing happening?

-Even if the worst were to happen, could I imagine coping well with it?


Accumulating positive experiences in the long term by creating goals we can achieve is a way to achieve this ultimate goal of DBT

What is creating a life worth living?


The letters in PLEASE stand for:

What are

-Treat Physical Illness

-Balance Eating

-Avoid mood altering drugs

-Balance Sleep 

-Get Exercise