Understanding and Naming Emotions
Changing Emotional Responses
Reducing Vulnerability to Emotion Mind
Managing Difficult Emotions

What are some common biological changes and experiences of anger?

Muscles tightening, face gets hot, teeth clenched

(ER Handout 6, p214)


What skill do you use before deciding to use either opposite action or problem solving?

Check the Facts

(ER Handout 8, p228)


What is the difference between Accumulating Positives in the short-term, versus the long-term?

Accumulating Positives in the short term involves doing pleasant things that are possible right now.

Accumulating Positives in the long term involves making changes in your life right now, in order to increase the number of pleasant events occurring in the future.

(ER Handout 14, p247)


What is the first step when using the skill, Mindfulness of Current Emotions?

Observe your emotion

(ER Handout 22, p264)


What are the three major functions of emotions?

Motivating action, communicating to others, and communicating to ourselves

(ER Handout 3, p210)


What is an example of when fear fits the facts?

-Threat to your life or another's

-Threat to your health or another's

-Threat to your well-being or another's

(ER Handout 8A, p229)


True or False:

Rehearsing coping effectively in your mind ahead of time can help you to cope effectively in the future

True! Research has shown that the same brain regions are activated when we imagine ourselves doing something and when we actually do that thing

(ER Handout 19, p256)


What can you do when you are at your Skills Breakdown point?

Crisis survival skills:


-Wise Mind ACCEPTS


-IMPROVE the moment

(ER Handout 23, p265)


What is a common prompting event for envy?

When others have something you don't have, and really want/need 

(ER Handout 6, p216)


What is the skill to use when your emotions do NOT fit the facts, or when acting on your emotions is NOT effective?

Opposite action

(ER Handout 10, p231)


What can occur when we do not use our PLEASE skills?

Increased vulnerabilities and reduced ability to react effectively and wise minded to life events

(ER Handout 20, p257)


What is the "Skills Breakdown Point", and what are some signs that you may be experiencing this?

The Skills Breakdown Point refers to when your emotional intensity is so high that your ability to use skills breaks down. 

Common signs that someone may be at their skills breakdown point:

-Ability to think clearly is reduced

-Overwhelming/intense biological changes (i.e. racing heart, chest tightening, body feeling hot)


-Intense urges for target behavior

(ER Handout 23, p265)


What are vulnerability factors?

Conditions/events that make someone sensitive to a prompting event, more likely to make emotional interpretations, and more biologically reactive to specific events.

(ER Handout 4, p211)


True or False:

Acting opposite halfway may not be as effective at changing unwanted emotions than acting opposite all the way

True! Acting opposite all the way will increase the likelihood of changing an unwanted emotion

(ER Handout 10, p231)


What is the purpose/benefit of building mastery?

To help us to feel competent and adequately prepared for difficult situations, which in turn helps us to reduce vulnerability to emotion mind 

(ER Handout 19, p256)


How can you practice loving an emotion?

-respect your emotion

-do not judge your emotion

-practice willingness

-radically accept your emotion

(ER Handout 22, p264)


Name a skill you can use when trying to decide whether or not to work on changing ineffective emotions 

Pros and Cons of Changing Emotions

(ER Handout 1, p205)


When do you use Problem Solving?

When your unwanted emotion fits the facts and you are wanting to reduce/eliminate the emotion

(ER Handout 12, p241)


What does PLEASE stand for?

treat PhysicaL illness

balance Eating

avoid mood-Altering substances

balance Sleep

get Exercise/movEment

(ER Handout 20, p257)


What are three things you can do to troubleshoot your Emotion Regulation skills?

(Three of these)

-check biological sensitivity 

-check your skills

-check for reinforcers

-check your mood

-check for emotional overload

-check for emotion myths getting in the way 

(ER Handout 24, p266)