Muscles tightening, face gets hot, teeth clenched, having a goal blocked, believing you are being treated unfairly
What is anger?
(ER Handout 6, p214)
When we want to see if our description of the situation fits the facts
What is Check the Facts?
(p. 228)
1. intentionally having positive events for the immediate
2. intentionally behavior to be the person you want to be
Accumulating Positives in the short term involves doing pleasant things that are possible right now.
Accumulating Positives in the long term involves making changes in your life right now, in order to increase the number of pleasant events occurring in the future.
(p. 248, 252)
1. Observe your emotion
2. Practice mindfulness of body sensations
3. Remember: you are not your emotions
4. Practice loving (or welcoming) your emotions
What is Mindfulness of Current Emotions?
(p. 264)
1. Motivate us for action
2. communicate to (and influence) others
3. communicate to ourselves
What are the three major functions of emotions?
(p. 210)
-Threat to your life or another's
-Threat to your health or another's
-Threat to your well-being or another's
What is an example of when fear fits the facts?
(ER Handout 8A, p229)
Using your imagination to rehearse how you will deal with the situation effectively
What is cope ahead?
(p. 256)
- Wise Mind ACCEPTS
- Self-soothe
- IMPROVE the moment
What is Skills Breakdown?
(p. 265)
The way we describe/breakdown/visualize our emotions.
What is the model of emotions?
(p. 213)
When we know what is effective for us and don't want to do it, but we really don't want to
What is Opposite Action?
(p. 231)
We use this skill to take care of our body/physiology to care for our mind and increase emotional resilience
What is the PLEASE skill?
(p. 257)
- Extreme distress
- Overwhelm
- Inability to focus your mind on anything besides the emotion
- Mind shuts down
- Target behavior urges
- Willfulness
What is Skills Breakdown Point
(p. 265)
hot/red face, doing something you believe is wrong, doing something that violates your personal values
What is guilt?
(p. 223)
Making every ounce in your body act "as if" you wanted to engage in the behavior
What is Opposite Action all-the-way
(p. 231)
What is Building Mastery?
(p. 256)
- respect your emotion
- do not judge your emotion
- practice willingness to have an emotion
- Radically accept your emotion
What is loving/welcoming your emotion?
(ER Handout 22, p264)
The skill we use when we want to decide whether or not to change the emotion
What is Pros and Cons of Changing Emotions
(ER Handout 1, p205)
When your emotions do fit the facts, but it is not effective to act on the emotion
What is Problem solving?
(p. 241)
Build mastery
Cope ahead
(p. 247)
1. Check biological sensitivities
2. Check your skills
3. Check for reinforcers
4. Check your mood
5. check for emotional overload
6. check for emotion myths
What is Troubleshooting Emotion Regulations skills?
(p. 266)