Emotion Regulation Skills
Distress Tolerance Skills
Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills
DBT Bonus
Random Bonus

Learn how to identify and name emotions. Then you can process, manage, and even change them!

What is Emotional Regulation?


Learn to tolerate emotional pain and distress by using coping skills that work. Accepting our reality ensures pain doesn't turn into suffering. 

What is Distress Tolerance?


Keep your current relationships and make new ones. Ask for what you want and get it more often. Keep your self-respect.

What is Interpersonal Effectiveness?


DBT stands for...

What is Dialectical Behavioral Therapy?


This flightless bird is native to New Zealand and is known for its inability to fly.

What is a kiwi?


A tool we can use to notice and name our emotions to give us a chance to take a step back and make choices about what to do with them (Hint: It is a tool that can be seen in a circle or other form).

What is Emotion Wheel/List?


When you accept things the way they are without resistance.

What is Radical Acceptance?


An interpersonal effectiveness skill to maintain relationships and make new ones.

What is GIVE?


A synthesis of reasonable and emotional mind.

What is wise mind?


This famous canyon is located in Arizona is one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World.

What is the Grand Canyon?


Doing one pleasant activity a day to increase positive emotions (Hint: The ABC's of DBT).

What is Accumulate Positive Experiences?


A distress tolerance skill that helps us respond instead of immediately reacting.

What is STOP?


A way to expand on the "V" in GIVE skill (Examples: pay attention, reflect back, guess what they're feeling, put yourself in their position, acknowledge universal human experiences, show equality).

What is Levels of Validation?


The basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we are doing. Not trapped in the painful past or worrying about the future. To just be, in the moment.

What is Mindfulness?


This winter sport involves sliding down a track of ice at high speeds in a small sled.

What is luge?


Many emotions and actions are set off by our thoughts and interpretations of events, not by the events themselves. This tool can help us change emotions that are no longer effective. 

What is check the facts?


A distress tolerance skill you can use before engaging in any self-destructive behaviors, by asking yourself, are you hungry? angry? lonely? or tired?

What is HALT?


An interpersonal effectiveness skill to resolve conflicts and get what you want more often.

What is DEAR MAN?


A mindfulness meditation where you purposefully tense each muscle and release the tension. This will help you relax each muscle in the body.

What is Muscle Relaxation?


It is the largest ocean in the world, covering more than one-third of the Earth’s surface.

What is the Pacific Ocean?


One can build mastery by creating a "SMART" goal. What does each letter in SMART stand for?

What is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound?


A distress tolerance skill that is like facing a fork in the road; you have to turn your mind toward the acceptance road, and away from the road of rejecting reality.

What is Turning the Mind?


An interpersonal effectiveness skill to keep your self-respect.

What is FAST?


The creator of DBT.

Who is Marsha M. Linehan?


It’s the largest planet in our solar system.

What is Jupiter?