"Walking the Middle Path"
What is Wise Mind?
To take in information from your senses...
What is observe?
What is Objectives Effectiveness?
Validating means always trying to agree with the other person...True or False
Balancing Opposites
What are Dialectics?
Where the facts are...
What is Rational Mind?
What does MAN mean?
What is (Stay) Mindful; Appear Confident; Negotiate?
Saying back what you heard to be sure you understand.
What is reflecting back?
Its the dialectical opposite of "Change"
What is "Acceptance?"
Its, hot, mood dependent, Mindfully speaking..
What is Emotion Mind?
These three things: 1) connection to the present moment, 2) without attachment to the moment, and 3)?
What is, "without judging the moment?"
The A in FAST
What is (No) Apologies?
"Every invalid response makes sense in some way" True or false.
What is true?
Finish this Donnie-ism, "The thinnest of pancakes..."
What is, "always has two sides?"
She is the creator of all things DBT...
Who is Dr Marsha Linehan?
These are the "What" Skills.
What is Observing, Describing, and Participating?
Respecting you own values and beliefs, effectively
What is Self-Respect Effectiveness?
"Look interested, listen, and observe. Make eye contact. Nod occasionally.
What is "Pay Attention?"
Two opposites can never be true at the same time. "Pick a Side" True or False?
Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.
What is Einsteins Theory of Insanity?
These are the "How" skills.
What is "Nonjudgementally, One-Mndfully, Effectively?"
The G, in GIVE
What is (Be) Gentle?
Don't "one-up" and give up being defensive.
What is, "Show Equality?"