Typical vs Atypical Behaviors
DBT Skills
Goals of Skills Training

Atypical or Typical. Stressful transitions to middle and high school. 

What is Typical. 

What does the acronym DBT stand for? 

What is dialectical behavioral therapy. 

This is the purpose of skills training.
What is to increase or decrease behaviors?

Atypical or Typical. Many hours per day spent on computer/social media. 

What is Atypical. 

Name two DBT skills. 

What is ACCEPTS, Self Soothe, IMPROVE, DEARMAN, GIVE, FAST, etc. 

This is a behavior that DBT skills try to increase.

What is interpersonal effectiveness, emotional regulation, distress tolerance, walking the middle path, or core mindfulness skills


Atypical or Typical. Sleeps almost all day on weekends or often up nearly all night. 

What is Atypical. 


Identify at least one activity for each sense for self soothe skills. 

What is vision=identifying shapes out of clouds, hearing=listening to music, smell=using aromatherapy oils, taste=eating an enjoyable food or drinking an enjoyable drink, and touch=playing with a fidget (for examples).


These are two behaviors that DBT skills try to decrease.

What are interpersonal problems, emotional dysregulation, impulsiveness, or confusion about self?


Atypical or Typical. Increased argumentativeness, idealism, and criticism; being opinionated

What is Typical. Atypical is rebellious questioning of social rules, causing trouble with anyone asserting authority. 


Identify at least 3 of the letters for ACCEPTS skill. Extra 100 points if you can identify all 5 WITHOUT looking at handout. 

What is A=Activities, C=Contributing, C=Comparisons, E=Emotions, P=Pushing away, T=Thoughts, S=Sensations


This is what DBT helps teens do.

What is building a life worth living and navigate relationships with others?

Atypical or Typical. Increased self consciousness and increased focus on body image

What is Typical. Atypical is social phobia or withdrawal, perfectionism/unrealistic standards, bingeing, purging, or restricting, obsessive about or neglectful of hygiene. 


*Optional Points for Everyone. Name a situation that occurred this week in which you were able to use a DBT skill to get through the moment. 



This is the main aim of DBT?

What is replace problem behaviors with skillful behaviors?