Stop, Take a step back, Observe, and Proceed mindfully
STOP Skill
1. Figure out and describe the problem
2. Check the facts to be sure you have the right problem situation
3. Identify your goal in solving the problem
4. Brainstorm lots of solutions
5. Choose a solution that fits the goal and is likely to work
6. Put the solution into action
7. Evaluate the results of using the solution
Problem solving
Stay Mindful
Appear Confident
What are the 3 states of mind?
Reasonable Mind
Wise Mind
Emotion Mind
What does DBT stand for?
Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Tip the Temperature, Intense Exercise, Paced Breathing, Paired Muscle Relaxation
TIPP Skill
2. Check the facts to see if the emotion is justified
3. Identify and describe your action urges
4. Ask wise mind: is action on this emotion effective?
5. Identify opposite actions
6. Act opposite all the way
7. Repeat acting opposite
Opposite Action
Be Fair, No Apologies, Stick to Values, Be Truthful
FAST Skill
What are the 2 different types of mindfulness skills?
WHAT and HOW skills
The 4 Categories of DBT Skills
Distress Tolerance, Emotional Regulation, Interpersonal Effectiveness, and Mindfulness
1. Observe the willfulness.
2. Radically accept that you feel willful.
3. Turn your mind toward acceptance.
4. Try half-smiling and a willing posture.
5. Ask, "what's the threat?"
Willingness Skill
1. Describe the situation that is likely to prompt problem behavior
2. Decide what coping or problem-solving skills you want to use in the situation
3. Imagine the situation in your mind.
4. Rehearse in your mind coping effectively.
5. Practice relaxation after rehearsing.
Cope Ahead
Be Gentle, Act Interested, Validate, Use an Easy Manner
GIVE Skill
WHAT Skills
Observing, Describing, Participating
Explain the Doing Mind and Being Mind
Doing Mind: Focused on problem solving and achieving goals
Being Mind: You view you thoughts as sensations of the mind. You are focused on the uniqueness of each moment.
Activities, Contributing, Comparisons, Emotions, Pushing away, Thoughts, Sensations
Distracting with ACCEPTS Skill
Observe your emotion
Practice mindfulness of body sensations
Remember: you are not your emotion
Practice loving your emotion
Letting Go of Emotional Suffering
1. Pay Attention
2. Reflect Back
3. "Read minds"
4. Understand
5. Acknowledge the Valid
6. Show Equality
Levels of Validation
HOW Skills
Nonjudgmentally, One-Mindfully, Effectively
What is your skills breakdown point?
Your distress is extreme.
You are overwhelmed.
You cannot focus your mind on anything but the emotion.
Your mind shuts down.
You cannot use complicated skills.
1. Observe that you are not accepting.
2. Make an inner commitment to accept reality as it is.
3. Do it again, over and over.
4. Develop a plan.
Turning the Mind Skill
Crisis Survival Skills
TIP your body chemistry
DISTRACT yourself from the emotional events
SELF-SOOTHE through the five senses
IMPROVE the moment you are in
Decide to end relationships in wise mind
If the relationship is important and not destructive, try problem solving to repair the relationship
Cope ahead to troubleshoot and practice ending the relationship
Be direct, use interpersonal effectiveness skills
Practice opposite action for love when you find you love the wrong person
Practice safety first
Ending Relationships
What is mindfulness?
Intentionally living with awareness in the present moment, without judging or rejecting the moment and without attachment to the moment.
1. Use crisis survival skills
2. Return to mindfulness of current emotions
3. Try other emotion regulation skills
The 3 steps when you are at your skills breakdown point.