What are the What and How skills
What: Observe, Describe, Participate
How: One minded, non judgemental, effectively
The Wise Mind ACCEPTS skill is often called what and why is it called that?
It is a way that you can TEMPORARILY distract yourself from a problem or crisis
What can the skill Pros and Cons help us do?
1. Make more mindful and planned decisions
2. Look past actions so you can decide if you want to do the same thing next time
What does the PLEASE skill stand for?
PL: physical illness
E: Balanced eating
A: Avoid mood-altering drugs
S: Balanced Sleep
E: Balanced Exercise
How many levels are in the level system?
What does one-mindfully help us do
Focus on one thing at a time-be in the here and now
What is the self-soothe skill?
Using your 5 senses to comfort and nurture yourself.
What does Radical Acceptance mean?
Accepting what you cannot change, so you can spend your time and energy on the things that you can change.
Build Mastery means doing something that helps you feel what?
Confident, capable, in control.
What are 3 examples of calming skills?
Deep breathing
Take a break
Use a stress ball
Walk Away
Talk to someone
What do you do after you observe and describe and participate?
You observe and describe again to see if you need some further coping strategies or assistance
What does each letter in ACCEPTS stand for?
Push away
What is the difference between willingness and willfulness?
. Willfulness: refusing to participate effectively in a situation that is difficult, you dislike, or feel is unfair.
You use the Just Act skill to do what?
Overcome barriers so that you can accomplish a task or goal.
Bring your good intentions to life and get things done
What is Stuffing and Sticking with Feel your feelings mean?
Stuffing: bottling up, ignoring or rejecting your emotions.
Sticking: holding on to emotions and trying to keep them around.
What does on-Judgmental, One- Minded, and Effectively mean
Non-Judgemental: focusing on the facts
One-Minded: focusing on only one thing at a time
Effectively: doing what works
What do the letters of IMPROVE stand for?
One Thing at a time
How do you use Turn the Mind?
You can't always change our situation, but we can make the choice to turn our thoughts toward Radical Acceptance
What does acting Opposite to Emotion mean? and give an example.
Doing the opposite of what you feel like doing
What do the letters in FAST and GIVE stand for?
Fair, Assertive, stick to your values, be truthful
Be gentle, act interested, Validate, Easy manner
Why do we use our What skills?
To gather information so that we can understand the situation, make planned decisions and to help us use skills effectively.
What are all of the skills for Crisis Survival?
IMPROVE the moment
Creative Outlet
What are they four skills included in Accepting Reality?
Pros and Cons
Radical Acceptance
Turn the Mind
What are all the skills in the Emotion Regulation Module?
Build Mastery
Just Act
Give Myself Credit
Build Positive Experiences
Opposite to Emotion
Feel Your Feelings
What are the names of my Children (pronounced correctly)
Elizabeth and Aydlett