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What does DBT stand for and what does it mean? 

Dialectical Behavior Therapy 

Dialectic: A dialectic is a synthesis or integration of opposites. 

Behavior: Solving Problems 


Name the 4 skills that are incorporated in TIPP

T: Temperature 

I: Intense Exercise 

P: Progressive Relaxation 

P: Paced Breathiing 

What are the 5 things Self Soothe is based on? 

The five senses 


What are 3 awesome self-soothe tools you can use? 

Fidgets, Tea, and Fluffy Blanket are some examples. 


What is a type of breathing exercise that you can use? Please give an example

Box breathing, Imagery Breathing, 123 breathing, or hand breathing 

Summarize Mindfulness 

The practice of being fully aware and present in this one moment


Name 2 skills in FAST. 

F: be Fair 

A: Apologies 

S: Stick to your Values 

T: Be Truthful


What does the A, B, or C, in ABCplease stand for? 

Accumulating Positives

Building Mastery and 

Cope Ahead


Name 4 emotions that can come up when one is in emotional mind and an example when emotional mind can be triggered. 

1) dread, anger, sadness, anxiety, ect. 


  • During an argument 

  • Procrastinating 

  • Certain people, places or events


What do you call a time when you have a lot of difficulties controlling emotions or urges? 

A crisis situation 


What is Distress Tolerance? 

How to tolerate pain in difficult situations, not change it. 


Give an example and resolution for when you are using the Ride the Wave skill. 

Example: You are feeling sadness. It’s dragging you down. Your action urge is to get in bed and never move. However, you need to eat dinner. What do you do?

Resolution: Maybe you use get up with only one goal in mind to start. Grab a glass of water and drink some. This can help distract and start the process. Sadness often takes a while to pass but action can help it evaporate more quickly.


What is Dearman used for and name one skill in it? 

(hint: Dearman and Fast are taught together) 

1) Advocating 

Describe, Express, Assert, Reinforce, Mindfulness, Appear Confident, and Negotiate 


What is the skill FAST used for? 

Self respect effectiveness and helping other relationships 

Give an example of an "animal distress photo" (you acting it) and the more relaxed animal (also you acting) 

Nice Job! 


What is Emotion Regulation? 

Emotion Regulation: how to change emotions that you want to change 


Name 2 skills in the GIVE skill and what they do/mean? 

G: be Genuine 

I: maintain Interest 

V: Validate 

E: Easy Manner 


What does Radical Acceptance mean? 

(hint: break up the parts of the skill: Radical, Acceptance) 

Radical Acceptance is the skill of accepting the things you can’t change

-Radical = complete and total accepting in mind, heart, and body. 

-Acceptance = seeing reality for what it is, even if you don’t like it. 

-Acceptance can mean to acknowledge, recognize, endure, not give up or give in. 


What is a situation in which Logical/Rational mind might be used? 

  • Deciding what to eat for dinner

  • Driving to work

  • Planning an event or social gathering

  • Learning a new language

  • Fixing a leaky faucet


What is your favorite DBT skill?  How do you use it? 



What is Interpersonal Effectiveness? 

How to ask for what you want and say no while maintaining self-respect and relationships with others. 


Name 3 skills in the ACCEPT(s) skill. 

A: Activities

C: Contributing 

C: Comparing 

E: Emotions 

P: Pushing Away 

T: Thoughts 

S: Sensations


Name 2 skills from the please section of ABCplease. Remember that ABC please focuses on health. 

P and L: Physical Illness 

E: Eating (balanced) 

A: Avoiding overuse of or mood-altering drugs 

S: Sleep (balanced) 

E: Excersize 


What is Wise Mind? 

The Wise Mind is a psychological state that a person occupies in their day-to-day life. It is the quiet, optimal mode of acting/thinking that is flexible, and adaptive. Success and confidence show that this is a mix between logical mind and emotional mind.


Lead everyone in a quick stretch and you can get the points! (min 20 sec max 60) 

Nice Job!