Thoughts vs. Emotions
Coping Skills
Top 3
True or False

What is the 5 Senses exercise?

Name 5 things you can see

4 things you can touch 

3 things you can hear

2 things you can smell

1 thing you can taste


Is it okay to feel all types of emotions?

If so, why?

If not, which ones are not okay to feel?

It is okay to feel all types of emotions-even the uncomfortable ones.


What is the STOP Method?

The STOP method is a way to stop and check-in with yourself when you are feeling a distressing emotion.


Top 3 things to look forward to this year


True or False? Other people have control over your emotions.

False, you are responsible for your emotions. Other people may influence them by their actions, but only you can work towards coping and changing them.


What is one goal you have for the upcoming year?


Is this a thought or an emotion?

"This is totally unfair."

This is a thought-different from an emotion. This is the way you see a situation.

What might be helpful for you to do when you are feeling stressed out?

Physical activity, writing things down, talking to someone you trust, deep breathing


Top 3 ways to feel calm

Taking deep breaths, counting backwards from 100, visualizing your happy place, checking in with yourself, taking a break, stretching, physical activity


True or False?

The thoughts you have about a situation influence how you feel about the situation.

True, what you think influences how you feel.


How do you think you've changed from a year ago?



What is something that comforts you when you feel sad?



Finish the sentence:

When I feel upset, I...


Top 3 things you are grateful for



True or False?

It is okay to feel ANY emotion, good or bad.

True, it is okay to feel any emotion-what is important is how you cope with that emotion. 




True or False?

Kicking, screaming, yelling, and acting aggressively are all good ways to express your anger.

Why or why not?


Bonus points: 300

Name 3 more healthy ways of expressing anger.


You had a tough day at school and you end up getting angry with your mom, even though she did not do anything wrong. What should you do now?

Figure out what made you upset, express to mom that it was a mistake to get mad at her, apologize, use calming coping skills


Top 3 best things that happened this year



True or False?

Butterflies taste things with their wings.

False! Butterflies taste with their feet


Look at the Anger Iceberg

Tell me about a time where you were feeling a difficult emotion that caused you to be angry. 



Watch this Clip and write down as many emotions as you notice. 

Zootopia: Meet the Sloth. HD ( DMV Scene) - YouTube

frustration, disbelief, surprise, annoyance, happiness, etc. 


Watch this clip.

Toy story you are a toy - YouTube

Did they cope with their anger in a helpul way?

What happened when they did or did not?

What could they have done differently?

They did not cope in a helpful way-they blamed one another and said hurtful things to each other.

It caused a rift in their relationship and they said things they probably did not mean.

They could have taken deep breaths, taken a break, expressed their frustrations in a helpful way, and tried to come to a solution to their problems.


Top 3 people who support you



True or False?

An octopus has one heart.

False, they have 3 hearts