The three states of mind
T.I.P.P. Stands for?
Temperature, Intense Exercise, Paced Breathing, Paired Muscle Relaxation.
Every emotion has an....?
Action Urge
Use this skill when you prioritize the relationship.
What does D.B.T. stand for?
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
The two core mindfulness skills
S.T.O.P. Stands for?
Stop, Take a step back, Observe, Proceed Mindfully
Check The Facts
What skill would you use to ask for something effectively?
D.E.A.R.M.A.N. (and what does the acronym stand for)?
DBT is most known for being effective in treating?
Borderline Personality disorder. (Although it has also shown positives for many other diagnoses.)
Balancing doing mind with being mind
Walking the Middle Path
What DT skill would you use to decide between two courses of action?
Pros and Cons.
P.L.E.A.S.E. stands for?
Physical Illness, Exercise, Avoid Mood Altering Substances, Sleep, Eating
Use this skill when you prioritize your self-respect.
Who is the "creator" of DBT.
Marsha Linehan
The HOW skills are?
One Mindfully, Non-Judgemently, and Effectively
What does A.C.C.E.P.T.S stand for?
Activities, Contributing, Comparisons, Emotions, Pushing Away, Thoughts, and Sensations
You would use this skill to prepare yourself for a stressful situation beforehand.
Cope Ahead
True or False:
When you validate someone, you are agreeing with what they say.
The 6 levels of validation are..
2. Reflect Back
3. Read Minds
4. Understand
5. Acknowledge the Valid
6. Show Equality
The three goals of mindfulness are:
Reduce suffering and increase happiness, Increase control of your mind, and experience reality as it is.
The three goals of Distress Tolerance are:
Surviving crisis situations, Accept reality, Become Free
What are the three functions that our emotions do for us?
Emotions motivate us for action, Emotions communicate to others, and emotions communicate to ourselves.
What are the three goals of Interpersonal Effectiveness?
1.) Being skillful in getting what you want and need from others.
2.) Build relationships and end destructive ones.
3.) Walk the middle path.
Acceptance is NOT..
Approval :)