The 3 states of mind
Logical/Reasonable Mind, Wise Mind, and Emotion Mind
Give an example of when you would want to use the DEAR MAN skill.
When you want to ask for something, be taken seriously, when you have a problem with someone, etc.
True or false: We should ignore our emotions to make them go away.
Why bother tolerating painful feelings and urges?
Pain is a part of life and can't be avoided, you may act impulsively, you may hurt yourself or not get what you want.
I should say X instead of "BUT"
True or false: feelings are facts.
Why do we want to practice good interpersonal effectiveness skills?
To improve relationships & practice good communication!
Name at least 3 ways you can take care of yourself to reduce emotional vulnerability
Treat physical illness, balance eating, avoid mood altering drugs, balance sleep, get exercise.
Name the 6 self-soothe sense skills
Vision, hearing, touch, taste, smell, movement
Name the 4 types of skills in DBT
Distress Tolerance, Emotion Regulation, Interpersonal Effectiveness, and Mindfulness
Judging/being judgmental
"It makes perfect sense that you are upset right now" Is an example of what?
To create a different emotion/reaction, we can do something that is the ___
Opposite (action)
This is a skill you can use to get past urges for self-harm or other harmful behaviors
Urge surfing (riding the wave)
The skill of accepting things you cannot change
Radical Acceptance
Name the 3 WHAT skills (or ways we practice mindfulness)
Observe, describe, participate
Name at least 3 of the worst listed in the acronym FAST
Be fair, don't over apologize, stick to your values, be truthful
If we know we are going to be in a stressful situation, we can use this skill:
Coping Ahead
Name a skill that can help you decide between two or more options.
What is a theory that can help explain why someone might have trouble controlling their emotions or behaviors?
Biosocial theory
Name the 3 HOW skills
Don't judge, stay focused, do what works
Name at least 3 of the words listed in the acronym DEAR MAN
Describe, express, assert, reinforce, mindfulness, appear confident, negotiate
Name at least 3 of the words listed in the acronym STOP
Stop, take a step back, observe, proceed mindfully
What are the 4 TIPP skills
Temperature, intense exercise, paced breathing, progressive muscle relaxation.