True or False: “Emotions don’t last forever.”
What is true
Is Crying a thought, emotion, event or behavior?
True or False: “Validation means you agree with the other person.”
Give an example of a mindfulness activity.
What is paint; go on a walk; mold clay; watch fire or a candle; notice senses while taking a shower or doing the dishes; doing a meditation; listening to music while observing how it affects you
What skills is this? “Treating physical illness, balance eating, avoid mood altering drugs and alcohol, balance sleep and get exercise make up what skill?”
What is Please skill.
What is the phrase for Accepting things for what they are.
What is radical acceptance.
Digging your heals in
What is being willful
Name the 3 states of mind
What are emotional, logical and wise mind.
What does ANT stand for?
What is Automatic Negative Thought.
What are 3 things you can do to stay out of emotion mind?
Sleep only as much as I need
Take medications as prescribed, take care of physical healthResist using street drugs or alcohol
Once a day, do something that makes you feel masterful
Nutrition-eat in a balanced way
Get exercise every day
The 3 functions of emotions
What is communicate to others and motivate our own behavior, influence or control other people's behavior and validate our own perception of event.
How do you manage an urge?
1. Rate the intensity of the urge from 0-10
2. Invoke the 15 min rule and set a timer
3. In the meantime use mindfulness distractions and do pros and cons; write them out; look for your wise mind response
4. Check into your urge intensity: if the same or higher then go back to the 15 min rule. If it came down, then go on with your day.
Doing the opposite of what you feel
What is opposite action.
The IMPROVE the moment skills are
What is Imagery, Meaning, Prayer, Relaxation, One crisis at a time, Vacation and Encourage yourself
Describe what it is like to be in a dorsal vagal state.
What is shut down, freeze, slow movement and thought, low energy, low motivation…