Taking Hold of Your Mind
How do you balance having a full awareness and an attentional control mindset?
How do you ACCUMULATE Positive Experiences - Short Term?
Increase pleasant activities that lead to positive emotions. Be mindful of positive experiences.
Why Bother Tolerating Painful Feelings and Urges?
Pain is a part of life and can't always be avoided.
If you can't deal with pain, you may act impulsively.
When you act impulsively, you may end up hurting yourself, and others or not getting what you want.
What is the "Give" Skills and how do you use it?
(be) Gentle, (act) Interested, Validate, (use an) Easy manner
What are some examples of Thinking Mistakes?
Ex. All-or-Nothing; Mind Reading; Disqualifying the Positive; etc.
Mindfulness: Why Bother?
Why is Mindfulness important?
How do you build a life worth living - Long Term?
Make changes in your life so that positive events will occur more often. Work towards goals based on your values. Pay attention to relationships. Avoid avoiding.
Pros and Cons
Give an example on the white board, of how you can use the pros and cons list to solve a problem.
What is the DEARMAN skills and how do you use it?
Describe, Express, Assert, Reward, Mindful, Appear Confident, Negotiate.
How can we V.A.L.I.D.A.T.E. others?
Verify, Assess, Listening, Information, De-Escalate, Attention, Thoughts, Empathy
Three States of Mind
Reasonable Mind, Wise Mind, Emotional Mind
How do we increase positive emotions and reduce vulnerability to the Emotional Mind?
Accumulating positive experiences, Build Mastery, Cope ahead of time with emotional situations. Treat PhysicaL illness, Balance Eating, Avoid mood-altering drugs, Balance Sleep, and Get Exercise.
Radical Acceptance: What is it?
It is the skill of accepting the things you can't change, IT DOES NOT MEAN YOU HAVE TO AGREE WITH IT.
How can you maintain your Self-Respect by using the "Fast" Skills?
(be) Fair, (no) Apologies, Stick to Values, (be) Truthful
How do we Increase our Behaviors?
Positive Reinforcement: What are some daily affirmations that you can tell yourself daily?
"What" Skills
How do we use the "What" skill as a mindfulness exercise?
Which one of the Wise Mind Values and Priorities are important to you?
Ex. Learn, Build character, Achieve things, Be a Leader
What does "Wise Mind A.C.C.E.P.T.S." stand for and how do you distract with it?
Activities, Contributing, Comparisons, Emotions, Pushing away, Thoughts, Sensations
How can you use skills at the same time?
You have to know what your priorities are.
1. build/maintain relationships
2. get what you want, say "no" or be taken seriously,
3. build/maintain self-respect
What are ways we can decrease or stop our negative behaviors?
Extinction. You can use punishing consequences as well, but use them sparingly or as a Last Resort.
"How" Skills
How do we use the "How" skill to get us in our wise mind?
What is the WAVE skill and how to use it?
Observe your feelings. Step back and just notice it. Get unstuck. Experience it as a WAVE, coming and going. Don't try to GET RID of it or PUSH it away. And don't try to HOLD ON to it.
How do you change Willfulness to Willingness?
Half-Smile, Turning the Mind, Choices We Can Make
When would you use the "THINK" skills and what does it stand for?
When you want to make peace, reduce conflict, and reduce anger, Think, Have empathy, Interpretations, Notice, and Use Kindness about it differently.
How do the Dialectical Dilemmas apply to you?
You can find balance when you have to choose between two equally unpleasant courses of action.
(Metaphor - Pick your Poison)