DBT stands for ___________.
What is Dialectical Behavior Therapy?
Five Senses grounding technique
What are 5 things you can see, 4 things you can feel, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, 1 thing you can taste?
"This DBT Jeopardy is lame."
Thought, Emotion, Behavior, or Event?
What is Thought?
Dialectical Thinking
What is the idea that 2 ideas can both be true at the same time?
Grace's coffee order from Dutch Bros
What is iced latte with oat milk?
GIVE stands for __________.
Hint: interpersonal effectiveness skill
What is Gentle, Interested, Validate, Easy Manner?
Willingness vs. Willfulness
What is doing just what is needed/listening to your Wise Mind/fostering your connection with the universe/being an active participant in reality
sitting on your hands/giving up/doing what you know isn't working/trying to fix the situation/refusing to tolerate the moment?
McKenzie thinks, "Uncomfortable feelings are bad and destructive."
Challenge McKenzie's thought using a strength-building self-statement.
What is "I may feel uncomfortable, and I will get through this"/"All feelings serve a purpose"/"There's no such thing as a 'bad' emotion"/"Leaning into discomfort will help me grow" etc.?
Wise Mind
What is achieving a balance between your reasonable and emotional mind in order to make decisions that align with your goals and values?
8 primary emotions
What are anger, sorrow, joy, fear, disgust, guilt/shame, interest, and surprise?
PLEASE stands for __________.
Hint: emotion regulation skill
What is Physical, Health, Eating, Altering, Sleep, Exercise?
Opposite-to-Emotion Action
What is acting contrary to how you feel in order to change the emotion?
Which component of FAST is Caroline missing?
What is (No) Apologies?
Factors that reduce interpersonal effectiveness
What are lack of skill, confusing myths, living in your emotion mind, being indecisive, the environment?
It is CRUCIAL to consider these 4 ingredients when doing parts work.
Hint: the goal is not to sever any parts - instead, we need to approach ourselves with ____?
ACCEPTS stands for _________.
Hint:distress tolerance skill
What is Activities, Contributing, Comparisons, Emotions, Pushing Away, Thoughts, Sensations?
DEAR MAN with a teammate
What is briefly describing the facts of the situation, expressing how you feel about the situation, asserting what you'd like, reinforcing/rewarding the other person for responding positively, being mindfully aware, appearing confident, and negotiating what you are willing to give to get?
What is slowing down each step/noting the smells and sounds/holding the cup of warm coffee for a moment/considering the taste/withholding judgment etc.?
Concept that has 4 phases: Trigger, Rise, Peak, Fall
What is Urge Surfing?
Colorado's state flower
What is Colorado Blue Columbine?
DEAR MAN stands for __________.
Hint: interpersonal effectiveness skill
What is Describe, Express, Assert, Reinforce, Mindfully, Appear Confident, Negotiate?
Nonjudgmental Stance
What is stating the facts/ungluing your opinions?
Describe how Debi can practice radical acceptance in this situation.
What is accepting her reality rather than resisting it/withholding judgment about how she's feeling/letting go of control/being willing etc.?
The 3 "How" Skills
What are Non-judgmental Stance, One Mindfully in the Moment, and Effectively?
Full name of Grace, Caroline, and Debi's supervisor
Who is Kevin Bert?