What are the 3 states of mind?
Emotion Mind, Reasonable Mind, Wise Mind
Activities, contributions, compare, emotions, push away, thoughts, sensations.
ABC Skills
Accumulate positives, Build mastery, Cope ahead
Use this skill when asking for something you want.
What does the word, dialectic mean?
two things can be true at the same time
What does it mean to be mindful?
Focusing on the present moment without judging or rejecting it.
TIPP Skills
Tip the temperature, intense exercise, paired muscle relaxation, paced breathing
We look at a situation just as it is, aware of how our current mood or feelings may impact how we interpret the situation.
Checking the Facts
GIVE skills are...
skills used to maintain a good relationship or reduce conflict with another person.
Balance this: I don't want to do this...
AND I will do it anyway
A decision made by thinking about the facts and logical reasoning, as well as how it would make me and the people around me feel?
Wise Mind
Kayla's "equation" for Radical Acceptance
Pain x Resistance = Suffering
We use this skill in those situations when the emotion or intensity of emotion does not fit the facts of the situation- that is, when the emotion is doing more harm than good.
Opposite Action
Maintain your self-respect when communicating with others...
FAST skills
Replace _____ with ______
but, and
Explain the role of each player in the brain.
Wise owl is in charge of decision making, Elefante is in charge of remembering what we learn, and Guard Dog alerts us when it thinks we're in danger.
Willfulness means...
refusing to participate effectively in a situation that is difficult.
Describe an emotion's action urge
The immediate behaviors or actions that come with certain emotions.
What does it mean to validate someone?
Communicating to another person that their feelings, thoughts, and actions make sense and are understandable to you in a particular situation.
Finish this sentence: Different opinions can be valid, even if...
I don't agree with them
Why bother being mindful? Give three reasons.
Help you make important decisions, Give you more choices and control over your behavior, Reduce suffering and improve sense of well-being.
Identify which Distress Tolerance skills work best for the different levels of your "thermometer."
Green: Self- Soothe, Yellow and Orange: IMPROVE and ACCEPTS, Red: TIPP
Thoughts are not...
Validating means agreeing with someone. True or false?
Balance this: Accepting reality...
AND working to change it