General DBT Knowledge
General DBT Knowledge 2
DBT Skills
Another Form of Therapy
DBT Examples

What DBT stands for

What is Dialectical Behavioral Therapy 


Examples of mental health conditions DBT treats (3 examples)

What are eating disorders (binge eating and bulimia), BPD, suicidality, self harm, depression, SUDs, PTSD, anger management 


The ability to cope with our emotions in the moment and return to our baseline emotional state

What is emotional regulation


This is a form of psychotherapy that involves all the members of a nuclear or extended family.

What is Family Therapy?


I can do something bad, but still be a good person

What is an example of thinking dialectically 


The woman who developed DBT

Who is Marsha Linehan 


The 3 "minds" identified in DBT, often depicted as a Venn diagram 

What are the wise mind, the emotional mind, and the reasonable mind


The ability to interact in relationship with others 

What is interpersonal effectiveness


This is the family member with the symptom that has brought the family into treatment. This person is used by family therapists to keep the family from scapegoating the this person or using him or her as a way of avoiding problems in the rest of the system.

The identified patient (IP) in family Therapy


My friend borrowed my favorite pair of shoes without asking and I confronted them. We had a productive conversation, I didn't verbally attack them and they respected my request, apologized, and said they'll ask before they borrow my stuff next time; This is an example of what DBT skill(s)

What is interpersonal effectiveness and using the GIVE skills 


The mental health diagnosis DBT was originally designed for

What is Borderline Personality Disorder or BPD


The umbrella therapy that DBT falls under

What is CBT


To help you manage your thoughts, emotions, and relationships (the 3 A's: Awareness, Acceptance, and Action)

What is the purpose of DBT skills 


This means that the family system seeks to maintain its customary organization and functioning over time. It tends to resist change.

Homeostasis (balance) in Family Therapy


The person I wanted to sponsor me said they didn't want to sponsor me because I'm not the "right fit" for their sponsorship style. What DBT skill could I use to cope with this new?

What is radical acceptance 


The type of people whom DBT is designed for 

Who are people who experience extreme emotional dysregulation/experience emotions in extremes


The purpose of Behavior Chain Analysis 

What is to help a person understand the function of a particular behavior and uncover all the factors that led up to that behavior. 


The cognitive skill of sustaining meta-awareness of the contents of your mind in the present moment.

What is mindfulness


These relationships occur whenever any two persons in the family system have problems with each other. They will "bring in" a third member as a way of stabilizing their own relationship. This usually interlock in a way that maintains family homeostasis.

Triangular relationships in Family Therapy


I'm feeling extremely anxious and can't seem to get my mind to stop racing, my heart is beating really fast, and I'm having trouble breathing; what DBT skill should I use and what are 3 examples of that skill?

What is mindfulness; 54321 exercise, box breathing, observation, describing my emotions, body scanning, thought stopping 


The 4 corner stones of DBT

What are emotional regulation, interpersonal effectiveness mindfulness, and distress tolerance


The difference between CBT and DBT

What is focusing on thoughts and behaviors (CBT) vs validating and accepting emotions (DBT)


 The ability to manage actual or perceived emotional distress and being able to make it through an emotional incident without making it worse.

What is distress tolerance 


A diagram that depicts significant persons and events in the family's history. They also include annotations about the medical history and major personality traits of each member.

Genogram in Family Therapy


 I got shamed by my family for my drinking; thinking "I'll feel calmer if I just have 1 drink to take the edge off and then I can talk to them about this"; Feeling shame, guilt, and sadness; drinking to cope; feeling relaxed and calmer; feeling judged and hurt, avoiding my family and any negative feelings, emotional dysregulation and using unhealthy coping skills, relying on drinking to function emotionally: This process is an example of what?

What is behavior chain analysis