DBT States of Mind
Understanding Emotions
Reduce Emotional Vulnerability
Changing Emotional Responses
DBT Misc

What state of the mind is characterized by acting impulsively and doing whatever you feel like doing?

Emotion Mind


What three things do emotions do for you?

motivate/organize, communicate and influence others, and communicate to ourselves


What does A stand for in ABC PLEASE?

Accumulate positive emotions


How do you Check the Facts?

Observe the situation mindfully and acknowledge any misinterpretations, cognitive distortions, or inaccurate lenses/perspectives that skewed your perception. 


What does it mean to practice mindfulness? 

Nonjudgmentally having awareness of your thoughts, feelings, or behaviors, in the present moment.


What state of mind is characterized by using only logic to respond to a situation and ignoring emotions?

Reasonable mind


Give an example of an action urge for sadness?

cry, isolate, get angry....


True or false: You do not need to practice your coping plan for the skill Cope Ahead of Time in ABC PLEASE.



Give an example of Opposite Action to Envy.

gratitude, doing something kind for the person you are envious of.....


True of false: acceptance means you have to forgive and say the situation is okay.

False: it is to accept the facts All the way with your heart, mind, and body. This is not saying the facts are okay, but it is a way to evaluate what you have control over and then act on that instead of try to control things you cannot control or be in denial.


What state of mind is characterized by using both your understanding of your emotions and the facts of the situation to respond to the issue?

Wise Mind


What are three of the six factors that make regulating emotions hard?

biology, lack of skill, reinforcement of emotional behavior, moodiness, emotional overload, and emotion myths.


Give three examples of practicing PLEASE in your daily life.

Examples of addressing physical illness, balanced eating, avoid mood-altering substances, balanced sleep, and exercise.


Why practice Opposite Action?

To change ineffective, or unjustified emotions or emotional intensities.


How can you practice mindfulness?

meditations, breathing techniques, observing things with a focused sense, asking self-reflective questions about your present moment....


What are the three states of mind of DBT and give an example of each state?

Reasonable, Emotion, and Wise Mind. Examples...


Name a myth about emotions.

They are stupid, you should do whatever you feel like doing, you are weak to show them, they are facts about yourself........


Why practice ABC PLEASE?

To prevent emotional suffering in the future. 


Give an example of when you would practice problem solving regarding your emotions. 

When the facts are correct, but they are the problem. Ex: You get anxious driving your car after a couple days after filling your gas tank, because the gas gage is inconsistent. Problem solve how you can get the gas gage to be consistent. 


What are distress tolerance skills used for and give an example of one. 

To help lower high intensity emotions to give them time to accept the facts when in a crisis and avoid behaviors that would make it worse. 

TIPP: Tip the temperature, intensive exercise, progressive muscle relaxation, paced breathing.

ACCEPTS distraction ideas: Activities, Contributing, Comparisions, Emotions, Pushing away (temporarily), Thoughts, Sensations

STOP: stop, take step back, observe, proceed mindfully.