Interpersonal Effectiveness
Distress Tolerance
Emotion Regulation
DBT is used to manage emotions. Name 3 primary emotions
What is Anger, happiness, sadness
What is interpersonal effectiveness.
What is interacting with others with mutual respect and good communication.
Name one mindfulness activity
What is breathing exercises
What is distress tolerance
What is a way to get through negative situations.
What is emotion regulation
What is how to manage negative emotions without letting them manage you.
DBT teaches 4 main skills. Name 1 skill taught in DBT
What is Emotion Regulation, Distress Tolerance, Mindfulness, or Interpersonal Effectiveness
Sticky judgments are typical when meeting new people. Give an example of a sticky judgment
What is not liking someone because of perception.
What is mindfulness
What is focusing one thing at a time.
ACCEPTS is used to cope with distress? What does the A stand for
What is activities
Part of emotion regulation is opposite to emotion. What does opposite to emotion
What is using opposite positive actions to get unstuck from negative emotions.
What does the B stand for in DBT
What is Behavior
Daily double: How do you get past sticky judgments
What is learn more information about the person.
What can mindfulness activities do for people
What is (1) Regulate your mood (2) Have more balanced emotions (3) Give you insight into your body and ways of being (4) Become more empathic, that is, more aware of the feelings of other people (5) Focus on one thing at a time (6) Separate judgmental thoughts from real experiences
Daily Double: What are some examples of accepts
What is any positive activity.
The acronym STRONG is used in emotion regulation . The R stands for resist. What must you resist from? Why
What is Drugs and Alcohol because they act as "downers" and make the emotion worse over time.
Active listening is important when talking to others. What is active listening?
What is Eye contact, think about what you say before you say it, wait your turn before speaking, say what you want to say.
The skills on what skills of mindfulness are: observe, describe, and participate. What are 5 things you should observe when being mindful
What is your five senses (hear, smell, touch, taste, see)
A skill in distress tolerance is "SOLVED" . The "L" stands for limit barriers. What are some barriers in life? How can you limit that barrier
What is any factor that is negatively affecting your goals, decisions, behavior.
Part of emotion regulation is building positive experiences. What are positive experiences
What is positive events in your life that create positive emotions.