What and How
What & How

What mindset focuses is referred to as being Hot, Mood-Dependent, and are ruled by your moods, feelings, and urges to do or say things. Facts, reason, are not important. 

Emotion Mind


These skills teach us to connect with the present moment, helping us to gather information about ourselves and those around us. Gathering this information then allows us to make mindful and planned decisions, rather than simply reacting.

"What" Skill


When you...

Notice your body sensations (coming through your eyes, ears, nose, skin, and tongue). ‰ Pay attention on purpose, to the present moment. ‰ Control your attention, but not what you see. Push away nothing. Cling to nothing. ‰ Practice wordless watching: Watch thoughts come into your mind and let them slip right by like clouds in the sky. Notice each feeling, rising and falling, like waves in the ocean. ‰ 

You are using what skill



Describe 5,4,3,2,1

5-thing you see

4-thing you hear

3- things you physically feel

2- things you smell

1- thing you taste


What Disney Character depicts an Emotion Mind?

Donald Duck, Mother Gothel, Annikan, Kylo Ren, Ursela, Zazu, Mushu, Mad Hadder, or any other character you can give a good description of why.


What mindset is referred to as Cool and Task Oriented and are ruled by facts, and pragmatics. Values and feelings are not important. 

Reasonable/Rational/Logical Mind


These skills help us to focus on one thing at a time, avoid judging ourselves and others and focus on acting skillfully in difficult situations.

"How" Skill


True or False:

When I am always right, defiant, and willful and I am using my Effective "how" skill?



What is Progressive Muscle Relaxation?

When you tense a muscle and hold for a breathe before releasing the muscle on the exhale.


What Disney character has a logic mindset?

Scar, Scrooge McDuck, Judy Hopps, Mandalorian, Flynn Rider, Mulan, Edna Mode Hiro, Jasmine, Belle, Milo (Atlantis) or any other you can give a good description for?


What mindset is referred to as the Middle Path and seeing the value in emotion and logic. 

Wise Mind


What are the three main areas to focus on when using the "What" skill?





Focusing on the facts and separating our opinions from facts. Facts are things that can be proven—the who, what, when or where of a situation. This is what skill in "how".



What does the acronym TIPP stand for...

(Bonus points 100 if you know what module in DBT it is...mindfulness, distress tolerance, interpersonal effectiveness, and emotional regulation)


I-Intense Exercise

P-Paced breathing

P-Progressive muscle relaxation

(Distress Tolerance)


What Disney character represents Wise Mind?

Rafiki, Genie from Aladdin, Mother Willow, Pocahontas, Yoda, 


How do I know that the answer I got using my wise mind is not really coming from the emotion mind or the reasonable mind?

To make sure that what you came up with as a solution or answer to your problem really comes from your wise mind, you can check whether you were aware of both your emotions and the facts about the situation.

Were you mindful about the objective facts of the situation or the problem? If you were still clouded by emotions and you didn't really take into account the facts of the situation then your solution probably is not based on your wise mind. When we are too emotional, it's often useful to cool down first and make the decision later.


What are the three main areas to focus on when using the "How" skill?





How do you utilize the One-Mindfully Skill?

(Bonus 50 points if you remember if it is the "what" or "how" skill),

Focus on one thing at a time. 

Notice when you get distracted or your mind wanders. 

Re-focus on one thing at a time. 

Repeat steps 2 and 3 as often as needed

(Bonus- How)


What are the Pros and Cons list best used for using some "what" and "how" skill?

Lets see what you got...

(focusing on observing if this is an urge or a difficult thought or feeling, being able to describe the feelings we are having, if we are judging something or someone, and are we effectively participating in this action)


Name a Disney Character who has used the "What" skill, and describe how they used it...


Moana, observed being scared of Tafiti and wanting Maui to be the one to restore the heart, while describing her anger to Maui and then recognizing her own ability, and eventually participated in restoring the heart...or whatever other character.


This is an example of...

Intentionally living with awareness in the present moment. (Waking up from automatic or rote behaviors to participate and be present to our own lives.) 

Without judging or rejecting the moment. (Noticing consequences, discerning helpfulness and harmfulness—but letting go of evaluating, avoiding, suppressing, or blocking the present moment.) 

Without attachment to the moment. (Attending to the experience of each new moment, rather than ignoring the present by clinging to the past or grabbing for the future.)



Which Skill What or How is being used with this example:

Barb notices it is 9 pm and she has not done her homework and is still playing video games. Barb notices feeling tense, her heart is beating faster and becoming tired.

Barb begins to think "I need to stop playing and finish my homework" and notices feeling anxious and stressed.

Barb pauses her games, drinks some cold water and asks her parents or calls a friend for help with homework.

(Bonus Points of you can give the names to each part- 100pts)

What skill

Barb Notices-Observe

Barb Begins to think- Describe

Barb Pauses game- Participating


When you:

Throw yourself completely into activities of the current moment. Do not separate yourself from what is going on in the moment (dancing, cleaning, talking to a friend, feeling happy or feeling sad). 

Become one with whatever you are doing, completely forgetting yourself. 

Throw your attention to the moment.

You are using what "what" skill?



In Greek Mythology who is the Goddess for Wisdom and known for being logical?



Name a Disney Character that uses the "How" skills and describe how.

