What and Why?

Define mindfulness.

Intentionally living with awareness of the present moment, without judging or rejecting the moment, and without attachment to the moment.


The state of mind in which emotions influence your behavior (bonus 50 points: what are some pros and cons of this mind)

What is Emotional Mind. 

Cons: acting on urges, behaving impulsively, ignores facts; Pros: listening to our emotions as signs to know what we need; allowing ourselves to have joy in living (creativity, empathy, motivation, passion, love)


Name the skills where we simply notice both inside and outside sensations, using wordless watching.

What is Observe. 

This is essentially the first skill in all other skills. Intentionally attending to events, emotions, and behavior, without needing to change them. 


Which "how" skill focuses on trying not to use words like "good", "bad", "should"

What is Non Judgmental


How can you change this to be a dialectical statement: Either you are right OR I am right.

What is AND.


We can contrast mindfulness with what kind of living/behaviors? (list at least 3 descriptions)

What is automatic, habitual, rote, rigid, focused in the past or future, suppressing, blocking, avoiding, rejecting?


This is state of mind that is described as "cool," task-focused, ruled by facts (50 bonus points: pros and cons of this mind).

What is Reasonable or Rational mind?

Pros: important for learning, planning, organizing, taking time to think based on facts; Cons: minimizing or suppressing emotions, avoiding/denial, rationalizing 


Name the skills where we put words onto the experience, labeling what we observe with just the facts.

What is Describe. 

Applying verbal lavels to internal and external events is helpful to both communication and self-control; labeling a thought as a thought or acknowledging a describing a feeling that just aroise; labeling a situation with just the facts 


This how skill is the opposite of multitasking, and instead doing one thing at a time

What is One Mindfully.

Listening to someone, using eye contact, nodding can be example of what middle path skill
What is Validation

What is the purpose of mindfulness, why do it? (must at least list 2)

What is to reduce suffering and increase happiness, increase control of your mind, experience reality as it is and being present; to get to wise mind


What is Wise Mind? 

What is the synthesis of both reasonable and emotional mind; combining emotional experiences and logical analysis together; brings in intuition and inner wisdom


Name the skill where we enter completely into the activities of the current moment, just jumping in regardless of liking it or not.

What is Participating? 


Name the skill where you focus on what works, being mindful of your goals in your situation.

What is effectively. 

This is acting as skillfully as you can in the situation you are in, not the one that you wish you were in or the one that is fair; letting go of willingness. 


Name the four core groups of skills in DBT Skills Group.

What is mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness.


Fill in the blanks: 

1. Mindfulness is a _____, not an end goal we can get to. 

2. Mindfulness is about repeatedly ________ to the present moment. 

What is: 

1. practice

2. bringing the mind back to


What are ways that we practice getting to Wise Mind? 

What is using mindfulness skills, and guided mindfulness scripts (M Handout 3a).


Kendall used her five senses to label her surroundings and experiences, which WHAT skill did she use? 

What is Describe?


What are examples of things that can be done one-mindfully? (each person must share 1)

Eating, walking, talking, watching TV, doing chores, making tea/coffee, etc. 


Each group member must say one example of a dialectical statement. 

Various Answers 


Why do we cover mindfulness at the start of every module and group? 

What is because mindfulness skills are "core" to DBT, essential to practice all of the other skills we learn! 


Draw on the board how we can represent the concepts of Wise Mind.

Using a venn diagram


What skill does this describe: when we look at our mind like we are sitting on a hill looking down on trains that are going by, they pass in and out of view, some are emotions or feelings, some are thoughts, some are bigger than others. The trick is not getting on any of the trains, just watching as they continue to come and go. 

What is observe?


Why is it more effective to be nonjudgmental?

What is it can have in impact on our emotions when we add evaluations onto an event; it can impact our relationships; and it helps us to accept reality so that can move towards change. 


Name one of the DBT Skills Training assumptions.