Bio and Social
Heart and Mind
Mindfulness What
Mindfulness How
Back to School

What does "Bio" refer to in the Biosocial Theory?

Biological vulnerabilities to emotions: high sensitivity, high reactivity, slow return to baseline.


What are the three states of mind?

Reasonable mind, Emotion mind, Wisemind


Describe the Mindfulness Observe Skill.

Wordless watching, observing in and outside of yourself, let thoughts happen, don't push away thoughts.

What does the mindfulness skill: "don't judge" mean?

Notice but don't evaluate as good or bad.

Stick to observable facts.

Acknowledge the harmful and the helpful but don't judge it...


What is an example of "doing what works" if you notice big emotions on the first day of school?

deep breaths, cold water, take a short walk, talk to a friend, label emotions, notice thoughts, etc...


What does "Social" refer to in the Biosocial Theory?

An invalidating environment (teachers, parents, coaches, family members, peers, others...)

What is Wisemind?

The state that includes both reason and emotion.  It's the wisdom within each person used to avoid acting impulsively and when you need to make important decisions.


Give an example of describing without judgment and sticking to the facts.

Your answer.. :)


Describe your favorite meal without judgment and by sticking to the fact.

Sounds yummy... :)

What is one thing that you do to stay focused at either school or work?

limit distractions, write down tasks, one thing at a time, your answer... :)


What does invalidation mean?

Communicating that what you are feeling, thinking or doing DOES NOT make sense and is an overreaction.


What is an example of reasonable mind?

When a person is ruled by logic, thinking and facts (NO EMOTION).


What does it mean in Mindfulness, to fully participate?

Throw yourself into the present moment; fully experience the moment.


How is staying focused the opposite of multitasking?

focusing full attention on one thing at a time vs. dividing attention.


Practice describing the emotions of a peer without judgment and only with facts.  

Remember: We cannot observe another person's inner experiences.

He is speaking with a loud voice.

She has tears in her eyes.

She is looking down and stopped talking.


Name one of the DBT Assumptions

1. People are doing the best they can.

2.  People want to improve.

3.  People need to do better, try harder, and be more motivated to change.



What is an example of emotion mind?

When a person is ruled by feeling and urges (NO LOGIC).

What is something that you do that gets you in "the zone" where you become one with whatever you are doing?

Your answer... :)


How does staying focused help a person to notice what is happening on the inside and in their environment?

By slowing down, staying present, and focused on one thing at a time, a person is able to notice  MUCH MORE EASILY what is happening internally and in the environment.


What are two things that you can do to prepare for the first day of school?

get a good night's sleep, charge device, pack bag and food, review class schedule, etc..

Name on of the five skills modules

Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Middle Path, Emotion Regulation, Interpersonal Effectiveness


What is something that you do to get into Wisemind?

Your answer... :)

How would you communicate your emotions or thoughts using the Describe Skill?

"I feel..."

"I am having the thought that..."

If you do what works, you prevent emotions from controlling your behavior.

(True or False)



What is one of the many things you do well as a student? 

Your answer... :) 

200 bonus points if you can get 2 more group members to answer this question.