What are the three states of mind in DBT?
(1) Emotion Mind (2) Logical Mind and (3) Wise Mind
What is mindfulness?
Mindfulness is being fully in the moment and nonjudgmental.
What type of therapy is DBT ?
Talk therapy and is based on CBT or cognitive behavioral therapy but adapted for those who feel emotions more intensely.
Wordless Watching is part of What Skill?
Give an example of being NonJudgmental toward
someone else.
Not judging them - Trying to accept them as they are.
What is Wise Mind?
Balance between Emotion and Reason
What type of candy is an example of Dialectics?
First their SWEET and then their SOUR
How do you use a Teflon Mind?
Let experiences come into your mind and slip right out.
Give an example of being Nonjudgmental toward yourself.
Accepting yourself and your past actions with understanding - rather than calling yourself bad names.
Describe emotional mind and give an example.
Emotional mind uses only emotions - like when you feel strong happiness or anger.
Why is mindfulness helpful?
It helps you get to your wise mind. It helps maintain focus, avoid anxiety, and calm your nervous system down.
Understanding that something can be both black and white at the same time is an example of _______.
on something in the room at this moment.
Examples: A color that you see
Doing One Thing at a Time is an Example of which DBT How Skill?
Describe reasonable mind and give an example.
Reasonable mind is when you use only logic like when you follow a recipe.
Give three examples of mindfulness activities.
Meditation, deep breathing, taking in the senses of an item of food, etc.
True of False? DBT has been proven effective
in research studies.
What DBT skill is putting words to your experience?
What does the OneMindfully Skill advise us to do when our mind wanders?
Let that thought go and refocus on what we're doing in this moment.
Which mind helps you make better choices? How do you get to that mind?
Wise mind helps you make better choices. You get to wise mind by using DBT skills, such as mindfulness, .
What does the Biosocial Theory State?
1. That some of us are born emotionally sensitive so we are more likely to pick up others' emotions, have fast reactions and have a difficult calming time. This is biologically based.
2. An invalidating environment reflects one where our emotions are criticized or "invalidated" by important people in our lives. We may feel unheard, misunderstood or "bad".
Who is the founder of DBT?
Dr. Marsha Linehan
How can the DBT Skill of Describe help us cope with feelings of sadness?
It helps us understand if we are feeling just a bit blue or we are depressed - which helps increase our sense of personal control and increases our coping.
Explain the DBT Effectively Skill.
Focus on What Works - Don't Get Stuck in What you Think is Right or Fair - Cope Effectively