What is DBT?
All about Mindfulness
Wise Mind

What are the 4 modules of DBT?

Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Emotional Regulation, and Interpersonal Effectiveness


What is 1 way you can practice mindfulness? 

5 senses, meditation, mindful movement, etc.


Scenario: Your close friend introduces you to the new person who they are dating, telling you that they think they may have finally found “the one”. It does not take long until your instincts tell you something just is not right with this person. You do not have any specific proof or examples yet as to how you know that there are probably some red flags with this person, but you can just sense it based on your experiences and your instincts.

How do you respond using wise mind?

Emotional: My friend is tripping, they are going to get hurt

Rational: Based off my experience, this will not end well

Wise Mind: Although I do not agree I acknowledge and know they will make their own decisions.


Who created DBT?

Marsha Linehan Ph.D.


TRUE or FALSE: You need to change in order to practice mindfulness

FALSE: Mindfulness cultivates the best of who we are as humans



Someone who you have to interact with regularly seems to at times be condescending and at times even a little bit rude or dismissive but in a very subtle way. They aren’t doing or saying anything in particular that alone is something inappropriate but it is just the overall way they seem to speak to you and treat you that you just do not like .

How would you respond in wise mind?

Emotional: They are really getting on my nerves and not treating me how I like

Rational: There is no hard evidence they are hurting your feelings. They haven't said anything in particular

Wise Mind: This person has indirectly hurt my feelings and I understand they did not do anything in particular to try to offend me. I have the autonomy not to continue to talk to this person as much as I would like.


When was DBT created?



TRUE or FALSE: Only certain people can practice Mindfulness

FALSE! Anyone can practice mindfulness


Scenario: You post something meaningful to you on social media and someone makes a comment that just does not sit right with you. It is not overtly hurtful or mean however at the same time the more you think about what is said, it is not supportive and can be even be interpreted as a little bit condescending or passive aggressive.

Wise Mind: I put something meaningful to me on my social media and someone responded in a way that I did not anticipate or receive well. I am valid in how I am feeling and I acknowledge that I can't control on what others do or say.


What is considered to be the primary problem in DBT?

A combination of emotional vulnerability and an inability to regulate emotions


What is Wise Mind?

The wisdom within each person; seeing the value of both reason and emotion; bringing the left brain and right brain together; the middle path


You are involved in some kind of group project (whether it be at work, school or planning something together with friends) where everyone had different responsibilities and tasks assigned that they agreed to. When you meet up with the group everyone seems like they are complaining that you did your part of the assignment wrong. In your own head you feel so sure you did everything right and you did a good job, but the group is unanimous that you screwed up your part of the project

Acknowledge the emotions that are coming up, also knowing that you did the work, and show your deliverables, Having discussion, maybe there is a possibility that there was some miscommunication. Assuming intention is for everyone to succeed not all be against you