What does DBT stands for?
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
What are the 5 DBT skills?
Mindfulness, Emotion Regulation, Distress Tolerance, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Walking the Middle Path
You believe you know what other people are thinking even without asking.
People need to do better, try harder, and be more _____ to change.
A skill that we just cover the last session
What does DBT aim to replace?
DBT aims to replace problem behaviors with skillful behaviors.
What skill is used to decrease impulsive behaviors?
Distress Tolerance
You predict the future negatively without considering other, more likely outcomes
People want to _____.
A skill that involves your senses
What are DBT skills used for?
DBT skills help people experience a range of emotions without acting on them and help teens navigate relationships.
What are core mindfulness skills used for?
To reduce awareness and focus; confusion about self.
If your morning started rough, the rest of your day will be bad. There is only one right answer to your opinioned based question.
All or nothing or Black and White thinking
People are doing the ____ they can.
A skill that asks to compare yourself to those less fortunate
Comparisons from ACCECPTS
What is the purpose of DBT?
DBT helps people create a life worth living.
What skills are encouraged to use for teenager and family challenges?
Walking the Middle Path Skills.
You pass a test and think, “I passed because it was so easy”
There is no absolute _____.
This skill combines two ways of thinking to make one ____ ____.
Wise Mind
What does Dialectical mean?
Dialectical = two opposite ideas can be true at the same time.
What skills are used when a person is having difficulties with keeping relationships steady?
Interpersonal Effectiveness
You _____ on yourself or someone else by having a fixed idea of how you or other ______ behave, and you overestimate how bad it will be if these expectations are not met.
Hint* the BLANKS are the same word.
People may not have created their own ____ but they have to ____ them anyway.
Gentle, _______, Validate, ___________
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