Mindfulness is being aware of ___________
The present moment.
Name the 4 TIPP skills.
Temperature, Intense exercise, Paced Breathing, Progressive Muscle Relaxation,
This skill allows you to act the opposite of your current urges.
Opposite Action.
What does "FAST" stand for?
(be) Fair (no) Apologies Stick to values (be) Truthful
People want to_______
Improve/get better
Reasonable mind is ruled by the _________
Facts and logic.
Name the 6 SELF-SOOTHE with Six Senses
Vision, Hearing, Smell, Taste, Touch, Movement
This skill allows you to practice mindfulness and experience current emotions coming and going.
The ride the wave skill.
This module is to help improve what type of skills?
Communication Skills.
True or False. You can fail DBT.
What are the 3 mindfulness "What skills"?
Observe, describe, and participate
Explain 3 ways you can use the "Wise Mind ACCEPTS" skill.
1.Do something Call, e-mail, text, or visit a friend; watch a favorite movie or TV show. 2. Contribute to (do something nice for) someone. 3. Compare yourself to those less fortunate. Compare how you are feeling now to a time when you were doing worse. 4.Create different emotions. 5.Push the painful situation out of your mind temporarily 6. Replace your thoughts 7. Intensify other sensations. Hold or chew ice; listen to loud music;
This skill talks about what you eat and how it can affects your overall mood.
Foods and your mood.
What does the "GIVE" skill stand for?
(be) Gentle (act) Interested Validate (use an) Easy manner
People are doing the _____ they can
What are the 3 "How" skills??
Don't Judge, Stay focused, and do what works
Create an example of how to use a pros and cons list.
Results may vary. (Ex: creating a pros or cons list for urges to self harm)
What does the "PLEASE" skill stand for?
Treat PhysicaL illness, Balance Eating, Avoid mood-altering drugs, Balance Sleep Get Exercise
What does "Dear Man" stand for?
Describe Express Assert Reinforce Mindful Appear Confident Negotiate
There is no _____ truth
What does it mean to have a “Teflon mind”?
Letting experiences come into your mind and slip right out.
What are the 5 choices you can make when a serious problem comes into your life.
1. Figure out how to solve the problem. 2. Change how you feel about the problem. 3. Accept it. 4. Stay miserable (no skill use). 5. Make things worse (act on your impulsive urges). When you can’t solve the problem or change your emotions about the problem, try acceptance as a way to reduce your suffer
Give an example of how you can use one of the emotion regulation skills.
Results may vary.
Give an example of how you can use the "FAST" skill.
Results my vary.
People may not have created their own ____ and they have to ____ them anyway.