What does DBT even stand for anyway?
DBT stands for Dialetical Behavior Therapy.
The I in IMPROVE stands for _______.
Imagery! (BONUS: Give an example)
The A in Wise Mind ACCEPTS Stands for Activity! Name an activity that you can engage in to tolerate a distressing situation without making it any worse
Treating yourself to your favorite snack is an example of which self-soothing skill?
Taste! (Bonus: What is your favorite snack!?)
Giving yourself some positive self talk during the last few questions of your test such as "You got this!" or "You're doing great!" is an example of which IMPROVE Skill?
What is the state of mind we want to get to? (Think of the three minds)
Wise Mind
The R in IMPROVE stands for _______.
Relaxation! (BONUS: Give an example)
The first C in Wise Mind ACCEPTS Stands for Contribute. Name something that you can do for someone else.
Going home and petting your cat or dog is an example of using which self-soothing skill?
We talk a lot about mindfulness in group. Being mindful means trying to be "present on ______"
Self-soothing is based on your six ____.
Senses! Touch, smell, sight, hearing, taste, and movement.
The P in IMPROVE stands for _______.
Prayer! (BONUS: Give an example)
The E in Wise Mind ACCEPTS stands for Emotions. Name something that you can do to create different emotions that might help you tolerate a distressing situation.
Calling up someone who has a soothing voice uses which self-soothing skill?
True or False
It is possible to go through your life without making any judgements of yourself or others
Distress tolerance doesn't fix the problem, but can keep it from getting worse. It's like putting a ______ on a wound that needs stitches.
The V in IMPROVE stands for _______.
Vacation! (BONUS: Give an example)
The T in Wise Mind ACCEPTS stands for Thoughts. Name a situation where you might want to replace your thoughts with something more motivating or positive.
Zoning out to a mesmerizing 10 hour loop YouTube video of a rainy window is an example of which self-soothing skill?
Distress Tolerance is a skill that allows us to put up with something stressful in the moment, and allows us to resist our urge to engage in a behavior that might not be helpful in the long run.
What is another name for an urge?
Give examples of times when you are in:
(1) Reasonable mind
(2) Emotion mind
(3) Wise mind
Which IMPROVE skill is Squidward practicing here?
One thing at a time!
The P in Wise Mind ACCEPTS stands for Pushing Away. Describe a situation, either real or hypothetical, where you might want to put certain thoughts to the side for a later time.
Using the new cotton candy scented hair conditioner you got for your birthday lets you use which self-soothing skill?
Smell! (Also, accepting Touch!)
Wise Mind ACCEPTS was a skill we covered which gives us ideas of how we can tolerate distress through a variety of different methods. Give us an example of how you might use ACCEPTS!
A-Activities: Do Something
C- Contributing: Do Something Nice for Someone
C- Comparisons: Compare yourself to those less fortunate than you
E- Emotions: Create Different Emotions
P- Pushing Away: Push the Painful Situation Out of your Mind Temporarily
T-Thoughts: Replace your Thoughts