Distress Tolerance
Emotion Regulation
Interpersonal Effectiveness
Wild Card

This skill helps you stop impulsive actions by telling you to 'Stop, Take a step back, Observe, and Proceed mindfully.' What is the name of this DBT skill?"

What is the STOP skill?


This state of mind balances logic and emotions to make the wisest decisions. What is it called?"

What is Wise Mind?


This DBT skill involves choosing to accept reality as it is, rather than fighting against it. What is it?

What is Radical Acceptance?


This technique involves using sensory experiences like sight, smell, or sound to calm yourself during emotional distress.

What is Self-Soothe with the 6 Senses?


This technique asks you to observe and describe your thoughts and feelings without reacting to them.

What are mindfulness 'What' skills?


This distress tolerance skill focuses on using activities, contributions, comparisons, and other distractions to manage overwhelming emotions. What is the acronym?

What is ACCEPTS?


When you observe your thoughts and feelings without judging them, you are using this 'How' mindfulness skill.

What is non-judgmentally?


This technique encourages evaluating positive and negative outcomes before making a decision.

What is Pros & Cons?


When asking for something in a relationship, you can use this acronym to be assertive and effective.

What is DEAR MAN?


When you're feeling overwhelmed and need a quick reset, these four skills help reduce the intensity of your emotions.

What is TIPP?


This acronym includes strategies like cooling your body and paced breathing to quickly manage high emotional intensity.

What is TIPP?


What are the three 'What' mindfulness skills?"

What are Observe, Describe, and Participate?


This concept contrasts two types of responses: being open and flexible or being stubborn and resistant.

What is Willingness vs. Willfulness?


When you act in a way that maintains self-respect and others' respect, you are using this interpersonal effectiveness skill.

What is FAST?


To shift your focus and reduce emotional distress, you might engage in activities, contribute to others, or compare yourself to those less fortunate.

What is ACCEPTS?


You visualize a safe place or meaningful image to get through a difficult moment. Which distress tolerance skill is this?"

What is Imagery (from IMPROVE)?


When you do one thing at a time and focus completely on the present task, you are practicing this 'How' skill."

What is One-Mindfully?


This is the act of relaxing your face muscles to reduce emotional stress.

What is the ½ Smile?


This acronym helps you practice good interpersonal skills by being Gentle, Interested, Validating, and Easy-going.

What is GIVE?


This practice involves doing one thing at a time with full focus and concentration."

 What is One-Mindfully?


This skill involves practicing small physical gestures, such as relaxing your face, to shift your emotional state.

What is ½ Smile?


In DBT, the three states of mind are Wise Mind, Emotional Mind, and this third state that uses logic without emotional input.

What is Reasonable Mind?


What are the key components of the IMPROVE skill?

What are Imagery, Meaning, Prayer, Relaxation, One Thing in the Moment, Vacation, Encouragement?


When you're effectively managing a conflict, you might use this skill to say 'no' or set boundaries while maintaining respect."

What is the Interpersonal Effectiveness skill of Assertiveness?


In DBT, which mindfulness skill involves fully participating in the moment, without holding back or dividing attention?

What is Participate?